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Vic's pov

Mei had been away with her friends for four days and I hadn't once heard from her. I kept telling myself I shouldn't be worried, or even offended, but she'd told me I was definitely gonna hear from her right before leaving, because she "wasn't used to not being with me after spending so much time together anyway".

"Have you heard from Mei recently?" was the first thing I asked Ellie as she picked up the call I'd decided to give her.

"Hello to you too" she said, probably taken aback. "And no, I haven't heard from Mei. Why? Did something happen?"

"Sorry, hi El" I sighed, realizing how rude I'd been. I didn't even know how to properly answer her question. "She's just away with some friends and I haven't heard from her since she left"

"Oh. Well, if she's away with friends she's probably not using her phone much. I wouldn't worry about it. Have you been spending lots of time together?"

"You're right, I guess. And, uhm, yeah. I'll tell you more about it when you have more time" I said, as I could hear loud city noises in the background of her call. She was in England with Sam, and I really didn't want to disturb her.

"I'm all ears now, actually" she said, and I heard Sam's voice ask "Are they fucking again?" in the background.

"I just realized it's evening there and you're probably out. I promise I'll tell you everything tomorrow" I said with a light laugh at the comment.



"What's going on between you two?"

"We've just...been spending lots of time together. And like, kissing and holding hands and sleeping together. For the past month, I guess. But it's like, whatever"

"I fucking knew you'd end up together!" she said so loudly I had to move my phone away from my ear.

"It's nothing like I said, I haven't heard from her in almost a week"

"Do you want me to give her a call?"

"No! Please don't...I don't want her to know I've been thinking about this so much"

"I'm not sure what's going on at this don't want her to know you care about her?"

"I don't know either, El" I sighed. "I obviously have a huge ass crush on her and I'm delighted at what's been happening. But I also have a feeling that she thinks this is just a short summer fling or something"

"I wouldn't be surprised...I mean, no, I hope that's not the case" she said, clearing her throat.

"Don't pretend you don't know her ways better than I do" I said. "Just think of having a good night out now, I promise I'll tell you more tomorrow"

"You'd better. I'll call you non-stop until you answer if you don't"

"Great" I laughed.

"Are you sure you're okay, though?"

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll keep myself distracted"

"I'm here if you need anything" she said.

"I know" I said, feeling grateful at having her as a friend. "Bye El"

I luckily was good at keeping myself distracted when I needed it, and I'd also kind of been neglecting my other friends from back home because of Mei, so the next few days passed quickly, although the fact that Mei hadn't once reached out to me was still in the back of my mind most of the time.

And it only got worse once I still hadn't heard from her three days after I knew she'd gotten back home. Something was definitely wrong, because I vividly remembered kissing each other goodbye and her telling me she was going to miss me before leaving.

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