Where are We Going?

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"Hey." A soothing voice whispers, waking me from my slumber.

I groan and turn toward the voice.

"Get up Lucia."

"Five more minutes." I plead, digging my head into my pillow.

A hand gently grasps my arm. Tingles spread from the touch and I sleepily moan from the sensation. The hand shakes me lightly.

I grunt in disappointment. I want to sleep, why is this person waking me?

My eyes open slowly. As I see who my intruder is, I shoot up from the bed in shock.

I point at Greyson, "Why are you in my room?" I ask loudly.

"Shhh," he motions for me to quiet down, "Quiet or you will wake Carolyn."

"Wake her? How did you get in here?" I ask shocked. Taking a quick glance over at the clock, I see that it's almost 12am.

I hear Greyson going through his pocket. Then he lifts his hand up. I see the pocket tool we use on missions in his grasp. My jaw drops open.

"You broke into my suite?" I ask stunned.

He laughs, "Yes, but don't make it sound weird. I wanted to get you out for a bit. Since Carolyn has had you on lockdown for the past few days, I took the liberty of coming to break you out."

Well, I mean, it has sucked being stuck in the suite. The only exciting things that ever happens are dinner with the squad or watching a new movie with Mom and Rina.

"Hmm, I guess getting out for a bit sounds nice." I say calmly.

In reality my heart is beating like crazy. I can't believe Greyson thought about me. He even came here to get me out of lock down. I never knew he was so thoughtful.

"Awesome," he says with a heart stopping smirk, "let's go then."

He stands up from kneeling next to my bed. I lean up and yawn. I get out of my covers and realize I'm just in a baggy t-shirt and undies. Oops...

"Uh, let me change real fast." He nods and I hop off the bed.

I open my closet door and grab a bra, shorts and a close fitting shirt that Mom bought for me. I turn to glance at Greyson who is now sitting on my bed patiently.

"Don't look." I say to him and motion him to glance at the wall on the other side of the room.

He rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah." He turns his head and I smile.

I turn back around and face my closet. Grabbing the bottom rim of my baggy t-shirt, I slide it off. I grab my lace black bra that Mom also bought for me and slip it on followed by my new clean shirt. Lastly, I step into my shorts and pull them up, doing that little dance to get into them.

"Alright," I say then turn around. Greyson, who is still facing the wall turns my way. "I'm ready, where are we going?"


I pant as we trek through the woods in human form. We've been out here for about an hour now. Granted, I run around the woods all the time in wolf form, but this is different. Plus it's been a while since I've done any form of vigorous activity. I feel a bit out of shape. We are going off the usual trail and now I have no idea where we are.  I'm trusting Greyson to know, since he is the one who took me out here.

"You know, you still haven't told me where we are going." I say as I push a branch out of my face.

"Patience is a virtue Lucia." he states and continues forward.

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