Getting Closer to the Truth

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"What the heck is going on?" I question him in a light whisper. My heart bouncing erratically in my chest.

"I'm trying to get some secret alone time with you. I saw what Damien was trying to do back there. He wanted to get a rise it of me. So I gave him quite the show. Sorry, I guess I had you believing it too..." he says lightly. His hand reaches up and touches my cheek. Light tingles spread form his fingertips and throughout my body. My wolf purrs in satisfaction.

My eyes finally start adjusting to the dimly lit room. I can see the adoration and love seeping from his gaze.

"You... you don't hate me?"

"Hate you? Never. I told you, I love you. I'm never going to hate you." He reaches down and pecks my lips gently, but sensually. I close my eyes and moan into the small, loving gesture. Then he pulls away. My eyes snap open to find a large smile is spread large across his cheeks. "Congratulations by the way. You're going to make a great mother."

My eyes widen in disbelief. "You mean you're not mad?"

"Mad? Mad that the love of my life is pregnant with my child? Never."

My jaw drops to the floor, "but... wait.. what... how did you?"

"I mean it's pretty evident. Although you have a mark on your neck, you never marked Damien. That was the first sign to me that you didn't want to be in a mated pair with him. Then, when we had sex for the second time, you brought up the fact that you haven't done it in a while. I kind of put two and two together." 

"You can't let Damien know that you know!" I blurt out really fast. My heart pumping rapidly in my chest. 

"I kind of figured that when you ended up telling the whole squad that you're having his child. Why lie though? Why not use this opportunity and leave him?" He asks me gently. I can hear a bit of hurt in his tone.

I sigh, and reach down to grab his hands in mine. I gently massage them with my thumbs, rubbing them back and fourth in a soothing way, trying to calm his nerves. "If I could, then I would. He's threatened you before, and he threatened to kick you out again, but this time, the stakes are higher. If the Alpha were to find out, he'd have me killed and then he'd kick you out as a rogue again. And trust me, I've seen my fair shares of rogues and they don't last long on their own out there. I'm just trying my best to protect you and the baby."

He sighs. He leans his head down and rests his forehead on the top of my head. "You need to stop carrying the world on your shoulders. We're in this together. I'm going to get you out of this situation, but I'm going to need you to not keep secrets from me, okay? No more deception, no more lying."

I feel my chest swell with adoration and love. I had no idea having someone care so much about me was going to feel this amazing. It makes me question if I even deserve his love. He's been nothing but honest with me and I've done nothing but deceive him and keep secrets. 

"I understand," I finally answer. "No more secrets between the two of us. I promise."

He smiles in the darkness of this tiny closet. He lifts his right hand and gently strokes my hair in a praising, yet comforting, manner. I glance up into his green eyes. There's a small sparkle in them. I feel my lips up-curling into an unintentional smile. I really do love this man. 

"Speaking of secrets, I came across the Alpha and Beta speaking the other day. It wasn't clear exactly what they were talking about, but I think our pack may be moving locations soon... Isn't that weird? I've never lived any place but here." I tell Greyson. 

"Moving places? Where do you think we're going?"

I shrug in the darkness. "I have no clue, Damien interrupted me before I could hear everything they were talking about. But I think moving is probably in the best interest of the pack. I mean after the fight with the hunter's it's pretty well known that everyone knows where our current pack house is. It's almost dangerous to stay here." 

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