Cruel Intentions

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I yawn loudly and roll myself around on the soft bed. My skin touches the warmth of another body, and my wolf purrs in delight. I smile and nuzzle myself into it. Arms wrap around me and pull me closer to the warmth, where I feel safe.

I slink my arms around Greyson's broad chest and snuggle my head into his muscles. His scent wraps around me, comforting me. The soothing aroma makes me purr in delight. I could honestly stay here forever in his arms.

I feel lips press gently against my head, followed by a deep groggy voice, "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning handsome," I quickly follow his lead and place a small peck on his chest. "Yesterday tired me out."

"I bet. Sorry about introducing you to so many people."

"I've already forgotten half their names," I admit sheepishly.

He laughs, it rumbles in his chest and I can feel it throughout my body. "I assumed that would happen. I don't expect you to remember them all right away, just the important ones matter for now."

"You mean, people like your Alpha parents and Leo's Beta parents? That was intimidating as fuck."

A small humorless chuckle escapes his lips, "yeah... sorry about that."

"A warning would've been nice." I tell him, softening my tone of voice. I really don't want to argue with him. It's nice to finally be in his arms.

"I know, I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

"We'll see. Just no more lying." I warn him.

"I already told you there would be no more lying. Do you have any questions that you want answered right now?"

I laugh half-halfheartedly, "I have so many questions it's ridiculous."

He reaches his one arm up and starts stroking my hair gently. It's soothing and very relaxing. My wolf nuzzles in, completely content. "I can answer some now, if that'll help the confusion you're certainly going through from all the trouble I've caused you."

I ponder the idea for a little while. What do I want to know right now? Let's go over the things I've uncovered. So far, I learned that Greyson and Leo are clearly not rogues. They came into my old pack already having a pack of their own. Yet, Greyson did say he left due to problems with his family. I'm also concerned that was the truth. If it is the truth, I need to stop letting myself get close to his parents. I can't get comfortable with the possible idea of staying here.

"Do you actually have problems with your family? When you first entered the other pack, you said your reasons for leaving were due to family struggles. Was that just a cover up?"

"It was and it wasn't." He sighs, "hope your ready for my life story," he laughs. I tilt my head to the side curiously to listen intently to what he has to say next, "my Dad and I have always struggled to fully understand one another. When I was really young, I just wanted to disobey him. He never let me do anything fun and honestly I was forced to do a lot of growing up real early. I resented him for that, you know, every kid needs time to be a kid. I never really got that. Now, I understand he was looking out for what's best for me and what's best for the pack. Someday, I'm going to have to take over this place, and I definitely wouldn't be prepared if my Dad hadn't started training me early on... Right before I came to your pack, my Dad and I got in a little quarrel. He didn't think I was ready to take on any responsibilities for the pack. I wanted to prove him wrong. I knew that we've been aiming to find out more inside information on your pack, so I set off on my own. Leo followed me on his own accord. I didn't even tell him I was leaving but he knew me too well. Needless to say my Dad was pissed at me, but I don't regret a minute of it. I got to meet you after all."

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