Gone From Bad to Worse

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"What is it that you want?" I ask him, my tone snippy and agitated from my previous conversation with my father.

Why does Damien always pop up at the worst possible moments? He's like an evil spirit I just can't seem to shake off. Maybe I should start tossing some holy water at him? I internally shrug. It's an option to save for later. Never hurts to try.

"My dad has requested your presence."

I stare at him blankly for a moment. My body frozen in place. I honestly wasn't expecting him to say that. "The Alpha wants to see me?"

"That's what I said."

My eyes roll but I nod my head, agreeing to walk with him to his dad's office.

As we continue on our way, my mind racks my brain for any reason the Alpha would want to see me. Let's see... there was the mission. Although we didn't complete it, we did return and help save the pack from being overthrown by Hunters... then when I came back here I had that direct confrontation with the Hunter...

That's when it hits me.

Yesterday, I disobeyed him. He told me to leave the Hunter alone. And did I? No of course not! My stupid self proceeded to blatantly disobey her Alpha. I even went as far as tearing the arm off of that hunter's body. The Alpha must be furious with me.

My heart races in my chest.

I've never had the Alpha furious with me before. It's nerve wracking. I mean I've seen him upset in the past. He has even kicked some people out who have disobeyed him. Will he do that to me? Will he turn me away and leave me homeless?

I can imagine he won't take this situation very lightly. Every Alpha is prided on one thing, and that's having power. If even one of their pack members disobeys them, it's a sign of weakness. No Alpha, especially Alpha Serg, can afford to look weak.

I can't help but nervously lace my fingers together as we reach the Alpha's office. Damien opens the door for me. I step through, walking slowly as I approach the Alpha's desk. My eyes unconsciously rise, meeting with the Alpha's.

All the nerves fade.

A smile is plastered firmly on his face, a sympathetic and almost apologetic smile at that. My fingers unlace. They fall swiftly to my side. The Alpha motions for me to sit in one of the seats facing his desk.

I do so.

I prop my hands on my lap and stare at him, waiting for him to make the first move.

His smile falters as he says, "Lucia, I wanted to tell you just how sorry I am about what happened to your mother. She was a truly wonderful woman. A woman who was such an important piece in this pack. Such an important figure in your life. For that, I offer you my deepest condolences."

Almost at a loss of words, my mouth falls open a bit and I manage to speak, "thank you, Alpha for your kind words. They are deeply appreciated."

He nods in understanding. "Now my child, I know it must be hard for you, being alone now. Having no family besides your father is a difficult thing. And for that reason, I've decided to move up the mating ceremony between you and Damien."

Wait. What? "I... Um..."

"Now now," the Alpha hushes my mumbling, "I know it will be crazy to go from such a small family to becoming the soon-to-be Luna. It'll be as if you're a mother to many lonely wolves. It will be an extreme change, but I know how strong you are as a person. This is what's best for the pack and you. I think it will do you well to have loved ones surrounding you. I have already sent some maids down to your suite to bring some of your things up to Damien's room. In just two days, you will be my daughter-in-law Lucia. Isn't that wonderful?"

My heart, beating fast, racing the blood through my veins. My breathing is rough. My hands clench onto Greyson's sweatpants that I'm still wearing. Trying to hide my obvious breakdown, I nod my head.

"Yes Alpha." I manage to speak, my eyes locked onto the desk. If I even dare to look up at the Alpha, I may break down into tears and beg for another option. Any other option.

"Good, now you will spend one more night in your suite. By tomorrow, we will announce the mating pair, and by the next day we will set up a mating ceremony." The Alpha pauses momentarily. Then he continues, "I truly am happy that you will be my daughter-in-law Lucia. I want you to be happy as well. After all, if there is anything I care about in this world, it's family. If you ever need a favor, or anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

Can I not be a mating pair with your son? "Yes. Thank you Alpha."

"Now go on, Lucia. I'm sure there are a few things you want to pick out from your closet before the maids move it all up to Damien's room."

I slowly stand from the chair. My head bows low for a moment, paying my respects. Then I straighten my back and recede to the door. I pass by a smug Damien. I don't even glance in his direction. My heart shattered already, I can't risk looking into his eyes and breaking down completely. I don't want to face him. Facing him would mean facing reality. Facing reality would mean coming to a realization that by tomorrow, it will be set in stone that I will be mating with Damien Dyer. The Alpha's son. The crude, malicious, lazy, and ignorant leader of my Squad. The man who never shows up to a mission unless it's required by his father.

My mind races until it eventually runs blank. My head fills with a lovely darkness that masks all of my unwanted thoughts. That is until a small wooden box creeps into my mind. A box I was given while my mother took her last dying breaths.

Then my mind flicks back to what the Alpha was telling me. He was having some of his maids move my things. Whose to say they haven't already cleared out my mother's things? What if they took the box? What if it's gone?

My brain and body kick back into action. I spring forward and race toward my suite.

It doesn't take me long to get to my corridor. I can barely recognize the cluttered furniture-filled hallway in front of my door. Night stands, my couch, bureau, and tv all pressed against the wall, making the slim hallway even more narrow. I squeeze past the furniture and land in my suite.

Well. What used to be my suite.

I gently bump into a maid carrying some clothes in a suitcase. I apologize to her and work my way over to my mother's room.

The bed is striped. The closet is bare. The nightstands? Gone.

My heart races in my chest. I run back into the hallway and survey it. Her nightstands aren't there, only mine are.

I race back to where I last saw the maid. It takes mere seconds to spot her in the barren room. I catch her swiftly by the arm, stopping her in place. She stares at me, startled.

"The nightstands, in that room. Where are they?" I ask, short of breath, pointing to my mother's room.

"Oh those old things? We put them out front. For the garbage."

"Garbage? Those were my mothers." I snarl at the woman.

Her eyes widen a bit at the hostility in my voice. "I'm sorry ma'am. I don't know what to tell you. What's done is done. The garbage gets picked up today. They are probably already gone."

I growl, "for your sake, you better pray they aren't."

I race outside. Not taking time to relax as I sprint out toward the garbage pile. I sigh in relief. Luckily for her, they are still placed out front next to all the other bags of garbage that are piled up. I quickly open the top drawer of one of the night stands.

I sigh in relief as my hands latch onto the small wooden box.

As I stand outside, alone. My hands move toward the small lock. Should I open it? Why was Mom so worried about what I would find on the inside? Why would she think I could hate her for whatever's in here? I could never hate her. Never.

But before I go to unlock it, I stop myself. Why must I look inside? Why take the risk? If whatever it is that's inside this box could possibly make me feel some sort of dislike for my Mom, why then should I open it?

So it's decided.

I firmly grip the box in one hand, and allow the other the fall safely to my side, away from the lock, away from a possible door that could lead me to a darker future.

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