The Hunter's Club

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"Identification ladies." The bouncer demands in a deep and intimidating manner in front of the club.

I smile, a sweet and charming smile and hand him my fake ID. He looks it over and hands it back to me. He does the same to the other three girls. Once he is assured that we are of age, he lets us in. We walk into the club to the sound of loud music blaring around us. I glance around the club in search of two things; Rodger and Salvador. Although I have no clue what Rodger really looks like, I know he was working as a bouncer tonight and he should still be in uniform.

Derek was able to figure out the schedule by hacking into their system. Lucky for us, their whole schedule is done electronically. It was no problem for Derek to figure it all out.

My eyes trail around the club. To my dismay, I can't find either of the two men. A moment later I feel a hand land on my shoulder. I turn to see Catalina. She is looking right at me.

"We look strange standing here. It's unnatural like this. Let's go to the bar."

"But I didn't bring any money." I tell her and she leads us over to the bar area.

"Not a problem." she states.

At first I'm confused by here statement. What does she mean not a problem? Then, as we get to the bar, I figure it out. She strides right up to a group of two men. Rina, myself and Liana stay behind, watching her. Catalina giggles to the groups of guys and touches one man's shoulder. She seductively moves her hand up and down as she converses. Then she motions her thumb in our direction. The boys heads look over at our group. Then Catalina smiles as one of the guys talks to her. She nods and giggles at his words. Then she motions her hand, signalling us to come over and join her.

I lead our group, following her lead. I'm not about to be out acted during a mission. Even if the key is seduction and I'm new to it, I can definitely manipulate people into thinking I'm a seductive type person. I may be innocent at heart, but my acting skills are anything but innocent.

We stride over to the group. There are two of them, one of them is dark haired and the other has blonde. They aren't ugly to say the least. Catalina sure knows how to pick 'em.

"Hey ladies," Catalina says, "meet my new friends Jeff and Zack."

"Hey boys," Liana says and snaps into seductive mode. I watch as she slides up next to Zack and touches his arm the way Catalina is doing. Well now we are all being a bit too foreword, I need to simmer the assertiveness.

I give them a shy but slightly seductive smile, toning down the aggressiveness of our group. "It's nice to meet you."

"Um... Hello." Rina says in a very timid tone. She is hiding behind me slightly. Huh, I though she would be a little more confident like she was the first day we tried these outfits on. It's like we switched roles.

The boys smile, content with the group of girls they spontaneously acquired. Jeff speaks up first, he is the dark haired man that Catalina is leaning on. "So how are you ladies doing tonight? What brings you here to this fine establishment? I haven't seen you around before."

I quickly answer, "we are just passing through town. You know, just a few girls going on a road trip, trying to lose track of time and experience new things."

Jeff laughs, "well this is certainly a good club you found yourselves at."

"Best in the county I heard. That's why we're here." I tell him, trying to keep the conversation natural.

He nods his head, "well it's good to know you guys made it to the right place."

That's when I notice something that I hadn't before. These men are wearing security uniforms. Catalina must have spotted that they work for the place, she must be planning to figure out where Rodger is through his coworkers. She is smarter than I thought. But we also need to be careful at this point, because most worker in this club are hunters. We can't let them get suspicious of us.

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