What a Turn of Events

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Lauraine stands before us. Her hair is loose and falls in messy waves around her shoulders. Her eyes remain locked on both Damien and myself. The gun in her hand is pointed straight in our direction. My position changes to offensive as I stare at her. Her blue eyes flick my way. Her gun shifting to point directly at me. My heart races in my chest and adrenaline pumps through my body from the danger I'm in. My wolf paces nervously in my head but continues her offensive state, she's not willing to give up easily, even if we are face to face with a hunter's weapon.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the bitch from last time. Decided to come back for a second round, did we?"

He eyes flick up to Damien then back at me. "Another boy, huh? Two just wasn't enough for you?"

I growl at her viciously. The noise bounces around the narrow hallway: echoing all around us.

"Now, now." She scolds, "no need to be so loud. This will only hurt for a second."

She looks as if she's about to fie at me, but suddenly Damien shifts behind me. I'm assuming he started reaching for the door since he's so intrigued with it. She notices his movement, and at last second, redirects the barrel.


I flinch at the loudness of the gunshot.

Behind me, Damien howls in pain. I don't hesitate as I spring forward and tackle the huntress to the ground. She grunts, not expecting my quick retaliation. I guess she supposed I would care a bit more about Damien being shot.

Well obviously, she was wrong.

Damien continues to whimper behind me. I struggle with the huntress. She holds the gun up above her face, protecting herself. My teeth clench the barrel, but a burning sensation rides through my lips. The Hunter's weapon feels like fire melting my flesh. I eventually flinch for a moment because the pain hurts too much and she catches me off guard.

She jabs her right leg up and rams it into my ribcage. I howl in pain as she kicks even harder a second time, sending me flying into the wall of the narrow hall. I hit it with a thud, but quickly pounce back up. By the time I catch my balance, I notice Lauraine is already off the floor and on her feet. She in the process of lifting her arm up, readying to aim the gun in my direction.

Before I can move, I hear the pounding of paws and nails scrape against the wooden floor. A black blob jumps out and tackles Lauraine. The two tumble toward the floor and down the hard wooden stairs. I flinch unintentionally as I watch them slam and roll off every step. Sounds of painful grunts, howls, whimpers and groans tumble together as they fall.

Finally they slam onto the ground at the bottom of the staircase.

Damien is sprawled on his belly, laying uncomfortably on the floor. The large impact was more than he expected. I can see the harsh tempo of his breathing as his chest quickly rises and falls. But no sound comes from him. He must have been knocked out cold considering the pain from the hunter's gun shot is still lingering in his body.

Lauraine groans in pain next to him. Her back firmly cemented to the ground and her limbs twisted uncomfortably at odd angles. It appears she may have broken an arm. Her head resting on the floor and she moans in agony, still groggy from the sudden fall.

Her gun had fallen a few feet away from her grip.

I don't waste time as I jump and trot my way down the wooden steps. My nails quickly tapping along the wooden floor. I reach the bottom and step over the two bodies which are still trying to recover from their impact. I grab the lone gun in my mouth and toss it toward the other side of the house. It lands on the hard wood floor with a loud thud and scraps its way to the wall until gravity and friction stop it.

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