Questioned by the Alpha.

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"What do you want Damien?" I sigh in annoyance as he approaches us.

Before he can answer, the blonde shoots her head down, bowing to him.

"I apologize for disturbing you Damien." She says in a soft tone.

I roll me eyes at her submissive tone. Suck up. He smiles, pleased with her, which to be honest, leads me roll my eyes even more.

"It's alright Catalina. You are dismissed. I will see you later tonight, correct?" He asks and I gag.

"Of course! You know I will always be available if you need me." She bows submissively. "See you then."

She scurries down the hall. I roll my eyes again, completely annoyed and fed up with their interaction. Plus, that Catalina girl is so confusing. Why is she so aggressive towards me but so sweet to guys?

And this is why Rina is my only female friend.

Damien turns to me. I place my hands on my hips, waiting for him to say something. He grunts at the sight of me. Clearly he isn't pleased by my presence. Well that makes two of us buddy.

"Why can't you be like Catalina?" He asks annoyed.

I grunt, "Because I'm not a whore. Now what did you come here for?" I ask, cutting to the chase in a very disrespecting manner.

I'm surprised when he doesn't snap at me, but instead answers my question. "My dad wants you and Greyson to see him in his office. He has some questions for the two of you."

"About what?" Greyson asks, stepping up next to me.

I feel my body relax. His presence really soothes me; especially when I'm around Damien.

"Does it really matter? You are going whether I tell you or not." Damien snaps. His aura screams offensive.

His dislike for Greyson is obvious.

I see Greyson tense. It's easy to tell that these two hate each other and it's blatantly obvious as to why. Both of them have completely opposite personalities but at the same time they are both stubborn as rocks. I can't ever see them getting along in the future. Well, not that I can see Damien getting along with any other werewolf anyway. But these two especially will never be friends.

I roll my eyes at Damien's snippy comment. He can be a real child. I turn my head towards Greyson, "it's most likely about the encounter with the hunter and wolf. The Alpha probably wants more details."

I hear a small, annoyed growl and Damien turns on his feet and walks away, "no one asked you Lucia. Now are you just going to stand there all day?"

I frown in his direction. A small bit of anger boils deep in the pit of my gut. I really just want to beat the shit out of him some day. Grr, wait until I get my wolf back. He is going to get a piece of my mind.

I angrily strut forward and follow in his footsteps. Greyson walks beside me, his demeanor, completely calm. MY face almost contorts to confusion but I mask my sudden emotion.

How does he switch up his mood so fast? He was just pissed at Damien and now he is fine? Are all boys like this? Able to switch up their emotions, or is he just masking them? If so, then he is a good actor.

We walk through the loud, vibrant halls that we call home. The place is still crowded with wolves who just don't know how to live with others. It chaotic but homey. The fights and arguments of others have just turned into a mass of white noise.

I guess this is how it always has been in this pack. No one has loyalty to anyone but the Alpha so trouble happens everyday around here. It's pretty much every wolf for himself. We aren't much of a real pack. We are still kind of rogues in a sense. Wanderers with a home base.

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