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Sweat was beating down Veronica's forehead. 
She had the ball in her control as girls and red jersey's had been approaching her. 
Veronica looked up, Jackie, the teams captain had been waving her arms. 
With a swift kick, the fall began to soar through the air, it seemed like everything had began to move in slow motion as she watched it. 
She smiled when the ball smacked against the captains head, launching straight into the net. 

Raising her hands up in the air, Veronica jumped up and down as she ran towards her team. 
Veronica wasn't too fond of physical affection, but this was a moment to celebrate. 
They were going to nationals. 
Jackie wrapped her arms around Shauna as Veronica hugged Taissa, jumping up and down. 
"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" they all chanted. 
Veronica smiled as turned around, hugging Natalie, as the girls continued to jump. 
The girls bathed in the moment, nothing but glory and victory washing over them. 


Veronica sat in her car with Taissa, passing her her cigarette, they had a few hours to kill before the pep rally. 
"Did you see Allie during the game?" 
"See her? Tai, she legit crashed into me and knocked me over," Veronica gave a small laugh as she took the smoke back from her best friend. 
Veronica inhaled deeply, the smoke burning her throat and her lungs, a feeling of relief washing over her. 
"What are we going to do about it?" Taissa looks over at the brunette. 
Veronica shrugs, "Kill her, freeze her out, take your pick," she says sarcastically. 
"That's not a bad idea," 
Veronica laughs, "What? Killing her?" she takes another puff off her smoke. 
"No. Freezing her out," 
Veronica coughed, the smoke getting caught in her throat. "What?" she coughed out. 
"Lets freeze her out," 

Veronica shakes her head, swiping the smoke out of her face. 
"No. No, Tai I was just joking about that. That's a horrible idea," 
"She's a liability," 
"She's our teammate, Tai," 
"She could make us lose everything, Vee. You're telling me you're okay with us losing everything!" 

Veronica let out a huff, "This is a bad idea Tai," 
"Or, it could be an amazing idea that helps us win," 
Veronica shakes her head, "No. No, I won't do it," 
Taissa shook her head, "Fine. But if we lose because of her, that's on you," 
Taissa got slammed the door of Veronica's car, walking away and back into the school. 

Veronica groaned, running her hands through her hair, her eyes staring lasers at her cars lighter. 
She sighs as she pushes the button down, impatiently waiting for it to pop back up. 
She takes a shaky breath as she looks around, making sure before she was in the clear before taking the lighter out of it's socket. 
She rolled up the bottom of her shorts, her thighs showing the previous burn scars that scattered all over her pale skin. 
She took a breath, getting ready to move it to her skin, only to stop when there was a loud banging on her drivers window. 

Veronica jumped, cursing as the lighter rolled onto the floor. 
Veronica panted as she looked up at her window, Natalie standing there. 
Rolling down her window, crossing her legs to hide her thigh, Veronica looked at the girl, "Fucking Christ Scatorccio. What the fuck?" 
"Sorry, I just wanted to see if you were coming in yet. What were you doing?" 
"I was about to light a cigarette, but you scared  the fuck out of me," 
Natalie didn't reply, walking over to the passenger seat, getting in Veronica's car. 

"What are you doing?" 
"Having a smoke with you," Natalie picks up the lighter, pulling out her own pack and lighting it. 
"You smell like a liquor store Scatorccio," Veronica comments, taking the smoke from the burnout. 
"Yeah, but don't I always?" 
Veronica shrugs, passing the smoke back to the bleach blonde, tapping her fingers along her steering wheel. 
"Are you going to the party later?" 
Veronica nodded, "I kinda have to, you?"
The blonde nodded, "Yeah," 

The two sat semi awkwardly, Veronica noticed the burnout glancing over at her. 
"That was a good kick, it got us to nationals," 
Veronica smiles, "I'm pretty sure it was Jackie's forehead," 
Natalie smiled, "I mean, team effort," 
Veronica checks her watch, "Shit, we should probably head in," she puts the smoke out in the ash tray. 

"Hey," Natalie placed her hand on Veronica's leg, making Veronica take a shaky breath. 
"You're doing good. You're going to kill it at Nationals, so just...breathe every once in a while," 
Veronica smiles, "Thanks, Nat," 

𝕮𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 - Teen timelineWhere stories live. Discover now