𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Veronica was currently trying to not smack her head against the wall as the cabin was filled with Crystal and Misty's obnoxious singing. 
Veronica put her hands over her face, Natalie laughs beside her. 
"Not a fan of the Misty and Crystal show?" 
Veronica looked at her girlfriend, an unamused expression that just made Natalie smile wider. 
"My head is pounding and their singing off key," 
"Well, later we can cuddle up by the fire, sound good?" 
Veronica nods, pecking Natalie's lips, smiling at her before cuddling up to her. 

The two look up as a very angry Shauna walks in.
"So, who's the thief?"
Veronica furrows her brows, "What?"
"Someone stole some bear meat from the shed. I guess they think they deserve more then the rest of us, once at this point is pretty fucked. If anybody, I'm the one who should be taking more, but I'm not because I'm not the fucking worst. So which one of you is?"
Everyone remained silent, staring at one another.
"Okay. Right. Whatever,"

"It was probably him, he thinks he's so much better then us," Mari stirs the pot, directing the comment at Coach.
"Oh my god," Veronica  mumbles, rolling her eyes. "Why are you trying to start shit?" 
"I didn't take the fucking meat" Coach turns around, a stone cold glare on his face. "Okay? And in case you forgot, not exactly nimble in the snow. But you know what? If it had been me, what exactly would you do about it? Would you eat me?" 

Mari stands up, walking towards the man.
"Lets all chill, you guys" Natalie quickly stands up. "There is no way Coach would ever-"
"This is all because of you, you know."
"Excuse me?"
"Why we don't have any meat .Lottie tries to bless you for the hunt but half the time you're MIA. Or when you do show up, it's like you're practically holding your nose,"
Veronica stood up, glaring at the girl, "You better watch your mouth," 

"Are you joking? You actually think that's why we can't find any game? Because of me? I'm the only one who's even trying! Me and Veronica! While the rest of you guys are just fucking sitting on your asses,"
"If there isn't any game, then how did Lottie get the birds?"
"Oh my god, this is bullshit," Veronica scoffs/
"And, Lottie didn't get the birds," Taissa begins. "They flew into the cabin,"
"Because Lottie told them to,"
"Oh my god," Veronica laughs, shaking her head. "Do you realize how fucking insane you sound? Seriously! You're acting like these supernatural powers and shit are real. Wake the fuck up you guys. There is logic behind everything. Solid proof behind everything. You guys are losing your minds," 
"It did happen when the blood dripped onto the symbol she made," 
Veronica rolls her eyes, rubbing her hands over her face. 

"We're still not really sure that's why," Shauna adds.
"Exactly!" Veronica looks glares at Mari. 
"You see, that's what you call a coincidence. Okay? Those birds were just... like confused or they had a disease or something," Coach replies.
Misty shakes her head, "No, if they were diseased, we would have gotten sick when we ate them,"
"What about the bear?" Van asks. "I don't think anyone who saw that could say it was a coincidence,"
"Exactly," Mari buds in. "It all goes to show the only food we had in months is thanks to Lottie,"
Veronica scoffs, clenching her fists, "You guys are fucking ridiculous," 

"Then we should have a contest. Yeah? One-on-one. We both go, just her and me, and then at the end of the day, we see who makes it back with more food,"
"Come on Nat, that's not fair," Travis speaks up. "Lottie isn't a hunter,"
"According to them, she's better then a hunter,"

Everyone turns their attention to Lottie, who is clearly uncomfortable. 


Misty begins to explain the rules, Veronica helps Natalie suit up.
"As for weapons, we only have one gun. So maybe we can draw card or-"
"Lottie doesn't need a gun,"
Veronica rolled her eyes, "How about, you shut the fuck up and actually let Lottie talk for once. We're all tired of hearing your voice"
Mari glares at her as Misty hands Natalie the gun. 

𝕮𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 - Teen timelineWhere stories live. Discover now