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Veronica began to re dress, Natalie's gaze on her not going unnoticed. 
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," 
Natalie smiles, standing up and wrapping her arms around Veronica's waist. "It's not my fault you're so beautiful," 
"You're so cheesy, Scatorccio," 
Natalie connected the twos lips, enjoying the kiss before she pulled away, getting re dressed herself. 


Veronica was seated at the cabin's table, a deck of cards in front of her. 
"You know that there are no Queen's in that deck, right?" 
Veronica looked up at Natalie, "Yeah, but I'm too bored to even care," 
Natalie nods as she begins putting things in her basket, "Well then, do you want to go for a walk? We can bring the riffle? Try to hunt? Maybe we'll get lucky," 
Veronica nodded, "Actually, Jackie said she needed to talk to me about something, so I can probably meet up with you later?" 

Natalie frowned a bit, "No, it's okay. Sort things out with her, I'll be okay," she kisses Veronica on the top of her head, "I'll see you later, love," 
Veronica smiled, looking up at her girlfriend, "Bye, Nat," 

Veronica then waited for a minute, then going outside, looking for Jackie. 
Veronica turned around, smiling at Jackie, "Hey, what did you want to talk to me about?" 
Jackie tapped the ground beside her, Veronica complied, sitting beside her. 
"A lot of things, I feel like we haven't had a minute to just...sit and talk," 
Veronica nodded, "Yeah, I mean, there isn't too much time for girl talk when we are fighting for survival in the wilderness," 
Jackie cracks a smile, the two falling into a small, somewhat comfortable silence. "I think this is where we start the girl talk," Veronica laughed, Jackie playfully rolls her eyes. 

"Did you ever open your letter from Duke?" 
Veronica had almost forgot about the letter. 
She had shoved far into her bag, trying to pretend like it didn't exist. "No, I haven't. If I didn't get in, I didn't want that to cloud my mind and make me slack off, that wouldn't be fair to Natalie if she had to carry the hunt," 
Jackie nods, "You and Nat, what's been going on there?" 

Veronica took a deep breath, turning to Jackie. 
"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you," 
Jackie nods, holding out her pinky, Veronica locked pinkies with her. 
"Okay, so, to make a long story short, Natalie and I are together, like a couple," 
Jackie has a bit of a surprised look on her face, but she soon smiles, "That's great, Ronnie, I'm-I'm just a bit surprised," 

"I mean, I had the expectation of it, that's why I asked. I'm just glad that you two sorted out the whole her and Danny situation," 
Veronica looks at Jackie, "What do you mean?" 
"I mean, I'm glad you guys talked and sorted out her and Danny you know... sleeping together," 

Veronica shot up, "What? What do you mean?" 
Jackie also stood, "Veronica, you know it was Natalie who hooked up with Danny that night...right?" 
Veronica shook her head in disbelief, "No, no I fucking didn't Jackie!" she ran her hands through her hair, trying to calm the anger that was trying to desperately climb up her throat. 

"Have you seen Danny?"  Veronica's words were slightly slurred as she approached Taissa. 
"I think he went upstairs, you're not driving home, right?" 
Veronica shakes her head, "No, I want him to take me home! I think I drank too much," 

"If you can't find him, come find me, I'll drive you home," 
"Thank you, Tai," 
Veronica made her way upstairs, knocking on the bedroom doors, no avail. 
It wasn't until the last bedroom door she came across, she knocked, no response. 
She slowly opened the door, all alcohol drained out of her body when she saw Danny with another girl. 
"What the fuck!?" 
"Ronica! It's not what it looks like!" Danny is quick to try and zip up his pants, but Veronica was already slamming the door, tears were welling in her eyes, but she refused to let herself cry in front of all these people. 
She found Taissa quickly, "Tai!" 
"Wow, are you okay," 
"Take me home, please, please," 
Taissa didn't hesitate to take Veronica's hand, leading her best friend out of the house. Veronica felt everything blurring as the tears began to cloud her vision.
She remembers Taissa pausing to tell Van before they were getting into Taissa's car. 
"Veronica," Taissa began, "What happened?" 
Veronica just shook her head, bringing her knees up to her chest. 

Monday came along and Veronica was trying not to reveal to everyone how not okay she was. 
Her thighs hurt from the marks she had placed on them last night. 
She was the first one in the locker room, but Taissa came in there almost right after.
"Veronica, what happened at the party?" 
That's when the dam broke, ugly sobs racked Veronica's body as she could barley get words out. 
Taissa watched in shock, she had only seen her best friend upset a handful of times, but this was different. 
"Oh, Vee," Taissa gently brought Veronica in, rubbing her back. 
"Danny, Danny was with someone else," 
Taissa held her best friend tightly, "I'm so sorry, Vee," 
"I-I just don't understand why he would do it Tai," she sobbed, "I-I actually loved him. I thought he loved me too. Am I so un loveable that- that he- he needed to get with someone else?" she sobbed, Taissa held her tighter, "You aren't un loveable, far from it, Vee. He's an absolute asshole who doesn't deserve you," 
Veronica just continued to cry, only stopping when she heard the locker room door open, knowing that now she had to have her strong act on.

"Are you sure?" Veronica looks at Jackie, "Are you fucking sure it was Natalie? Because she wouldn't, she wouldn't-" 
"She told me," Jackie looks at Veronica, "She told me after it happened. I-" 
"I need to go," 
"No. I need to go before I end up doing or saying something I'll regret," 

Veronica went to turn on her heels, but came face to face with Natalie. 
"Veronica? Are you okay?" 
Veronica felt more anger run through her veins, she stormed past the blonde, heading into the cabin, but Natalie was hot on her heels. 
"Veronica! Veronica!" Natalie grabbed the girls wrist, Veronica whipped around to look at the girl. "Veronica, what happened? I'm sure whatever it is-" 

"You slept with Danny," 
It was a statement, not a question. 
"You fucking slept with Danny," 

Natalie's face goes pale, her eyes are quick to become glassy, "Veronica-" 
"It was you. You were the girl who he fucking cheated on me with," 
"I swear, I was going to tell you-" 
"When? Fucking when Natalie?" 
"I was waiting for the right time!" 
Veronica let out a laugh of disbelief, "Oh, well I'm glad you decided to wait until after we already  fucked! And you didn't even tell me, I had to find out from fucking Jackie of all people! Jackie!" 
"I can explain Veronica! Please! Please just let me explain!" 
Veronica huffed, her anger was clouding all the logical judgment that was trying to make it's way through the clouded anger. 
But then, she looked into Natalie's eyes. 

Her hazel eyes showed nothing but regret, vulnerability and desperation. 
"Please," Natalie pleads. 
Veronica sits down on one of the chairs in the kitchen, nodding at Natalie to begin. 
"I was drunk, I was really drunk Veronica .I was so drunk that I didn't even know where I was, I know it's not an excuse, but it helps paint the picture for you. I was looking for you to take me home, and I ran into Danny. He told me that he would help me look for you, next thing I knew, we were in a bedroom. Then, we started talking, and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me and I didn't push him off. You walked in, and that's when everything fully sunk in. I went to tell you on Monday before practice but... but I walked into the locker room, I heard you crying to Taissa, I heard you sob and break at the seams and I couldn't do it. I was a coward and then I just tried to avoid it and forget that it happened," 

Veronica sat, looking at her hands, each word struck her like a dagger. 
"And I am so, so fucking sorry Veronica. I am so fucking sorry and I understand-" 
"It's not your fault," 
Natalie looked at Veronica, she had tears streaming down her face. "What?"
"You were drunk. He was sober because he was going to drive me home, he knew what he was doing and he took advantage of you," 
Natalie looks at her girlfriend, "I still should have told you,"
"Yeah, you probably should have, but why didn't you? Why didn't you when we got together?"
Natalie wipes the tears that are streaming down her face, "Because, you are the best thing I've ever had in my life, and I was selfish and scared if I told you I would lose you," 

Veronica ran a hand over her face. "God, for fuck sakes, Nat. I don't even know what to do right now," 
"I'm so fucking sorry, I-" Natalie lets a chocked sob escape her throat, "I'm so sorry, Veronica," 
Veronica hated how all the anger instantly vanished as she saw the guilt on Natalie's face. 
Veronica pulled Natalie into a hug, "It's not your fault, Nat. I'm more mad at him then I am at you" 
Natalie shook her head, "No, you should be mad at me!" Natalie pulled out, looking at Veronica. 
"No, Nat. There is no point to be mad over some teenage bullshit that doesn't even matter anymore," 

Natalie looked at Veronica, tearfully pulling her into a kiss. 
Veronica kissed her back, pulling away a few moments after, resting her forehead on Natalie's. 
"It's you and I against the world, Nat," 
"I don't deserve you," she tearfully says. 
"You made a mistake, I'm not going to throw what we have away over something so fucking stupid," 

𝕮𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 - Teen timelineWhere stories live. Discover now