𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Veronica bit her nail as she stared at Travis. 
The boy hadn't spoken to Natalie or Veronica since Javi had came back, Veronica didn't blame him, she wouldn't talk to her either. 
Her stomach twisted uncomfortably with guilt, watching as Javi wasn't saying a word to anyone. She swallows thickly as Natalie approaches him. 

"Uh, Veronica and I were going to go down to the stream and check the gill net. You want to come?"
"I'm good," he responds, getting up and leaving the table.
Natalie looks down, staring numbly at the table as he walks away from her.
Veronica frows as she watches Travis making another attempt to get Javi to talk, but it wasn't working.
"He'll be alright, he just needs time," Natalie sighs.
"You don't think he got enough of that out there?"
Veronica stepped forward, "Okay, Travis-" 

"Will you both stop acting like such fucking saints. You planted the bloodied clothes. Just say it,"
He points at Natalie, his finger roughly hitting her chest. 
Natalie stares at him for a minute. "I did, but only..."
"And you!" he points at Veronica, "You fucking went along with it and didn't fucking tell me! You're suppose to be one of my best friends, both of you are!" 
"You made me stop looking for him!"
"I didn't think he was alive! It doesn't make any sense that he is!" Natalie exasperates. 
"Maybe he wouldn't be so fucked up if we had found him sooner! So that's on you two!" 

Travis pushes past the two, Veronica follows him. 
"Travis! Travis!" 
He ignores her, Veronica grabs his arm, "Travis would you please stop for two fucking seconds!" 
Travis roughly pushes her off him, a hard glare on his face. 
"I don't want to fucking hear it Veronica. I thought you would have put a stop to her-" 
"I tried! She was doing it to protect you!" 
"So much for protecting me, she made me stop looking" 
"Because you were practically killing yourself trying to look for him. I'm sorry but it makes no fucking sense he's here right now Travis! You have to admit that," 
Veronica pauses, looking up at Travis, the boy shakes his head. 

"She's not a good person, Veronica," 
Veronica shook her head, "You don't mean that. We both know it's not true," 
"Do we?" he steps closer to her, "Do we both know. If anything, you should agree with me, after all, she slept with your boyfriend, lied and hit you-" 
"That was an accident," Veronica is quick to defend. 
"Sure, that was. But the others?" 
"How did you even know about-" 
"About Danny? She told me. Fuck, she told a good amount of people before she even was honest about it with you. Some girlfriend, hey?" 
Veronica glares up at Travis, not being able to respond. 
"She isn't a good person, Veronica. It's only a matter of time before she hurts you. Again," 

Travis walks away, Veronica stares blankly ahead of her, Travis' words stab into her like a dagger. 


Veronica looks up, Natalie stands in front of her. Veronica had barley spoken to her, or anyone since her talk with Travis. 
Her thoughts were spinning around a million miles per minute.
She didn't know if she should believe Travis, but she knew he wasn't the type to lie about stupid shit, especially to Veronica. 
The blonde sits across from the brunette, placing a hand on her shoulder "Are you okay? You've been very...distant today," 
"I'm fine," Veronica shakes Natalie's hand off her shoulder, looking back down at her book. 
Natalie stares at her, "Veronica. Seriously, what's going on?" 
"Nothing," she doesn't look up from her book, not wanting to risk looking in Natalie's eyes. 
Natalie glares at her for a moment before grabbing the book from Veronica's hands, grabbing her wrist and dragging her to an empty bedroom. 

"What the fuck, Natalie!?" 
Natalie shuts the door, "What is going on? Why have you barley said a word to anyone since you  talked with Travis. What did he say to make you-" 
"He told me to be careful because you're a bad person," 
All the colour drains from Natalie's face, her eyes flash with hurt as she looks at Veronica. 

"Do... do you think-" 
"That you're a bad person?" 
Natalie nods, her eyes are pleading for Veronica to disagree with the boys statement. 
"Do you seriously have to ask?" Veronica feels her own sense of hurt wash over her. "Of course I don't," 
Natalie sighs in relief, but Veronica can tell Natalie doesn't fully believe her. 
And Natalie knows that this isn't the end of the discussion. 

"So, why are you so upset? Was it something I did?" 
Veronica takes a breath, "How many people did you tell about you and Danny,"
That catches Natalie off guard, the two had avoided talking about Natalie and Danny, it was something that was just off the table for both parties. 

"How many fucking people did you tell before I found out?" 
Natalie shakes her head, "Why are you-" 
"Answer the fucking question, Natalie," 
Natalie pauses, "I told Jackie, and Travis. I also mentioned it to Kevyn, but that's it,"
Veronica looks the girl up and down, "Okay," 
"Okay? Veronica why the fuck-" 
"I wanted to make sure you weren't fucking lying to me," 
Natalie scoffs, "So all of a sudden you don't trust me? What the fuck did Travis say to you Veronica? I thought we worked all this shit out" 
"Did we? Or did we just sweep it under the rug so we wouldn't have to deal with the impact of it?" 

Natalie pauses, her eyes going everywhere except for Veronica's. 
"So, what are you trying to say?" Natalie shakily asks, she tries to keep her voice from breaking, but fails. 
"What I'm saying is, I need us to be honest with each other for this to work. I need you to know I don't think you're a bad person. I really don't, I don't think I ever could," 
"I'm sorry," 
"No, I'm sorry for being a bitch, Travis was just fucking with my head, I should have talked to you about it," 
"I love you," 
I love you too, Nat. Are you okay?"
Natalie nods, about to open her mouth, they heard the cabin door slam open. 

Veronica and Natalie sprint out of the room to see what was going on.
"I lost her!" Misty cries, slamming the door.
"Who?" Veronica pants.
"Crystal! We were together, and then, and then we got separated in the storm, and it all happened so fast. I kept looking for her and looking for her, and I was screaming her name but-bit she like vanished,"
"We need to go look for her,"
"Oh shit! Tai and Shauna are still out there!" Van yells, running towards the door.
Veronica and Natalie followed, running out the door. 

Van began screaming their names, the wind and snow punched Veronica in the face, she grabbed onto Natalie's arm, pulling her close as the freezing cold wrapped around them.
"Van, what do you hear?" Lottie asks.
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything!?" Natalie yells.
"I hear the wind,"
"I hear my breath"
"I hear the trees,"
"I hear the sound of you all losing your fucking minds," Veronica hold Natalie tighter, before looking ahead.

"There they are!" Veronica yells rushing over to help them. "Guys help! We need to get them inside!"
The group ran towards them, helping the girls get inside.

"Is she in labor?" Akilah asks,
Shauna looks up before letting out a gut wrenching scream.

𝕮𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 - Teen timelineWhere stories live. Discover now