𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕺𝖓𝖊

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Veronica sat on the deck, her hands were shaking as she held a cigarette, staring into space as she replayed all the events from last night. 
Natalie sat beside her, rocking herself in a way to comfort herself. 
Veronica inhaled her smoke, blowing it out only after it reached a burning sensation in her throat. 
Veronica looked over at Natalie, she looked truly traumatized as she stared off into the distance. 
"Nat, are you okay?" 
Natalie just continued staring off, continuing to rock herself. 
Veronica put her smoke out on her boot, moving closer to Natalie. 
"Hey," she whispers, wrapping her arm around the girl, only then did Natalie look at her. 
"Hi," she whispers, "Are you okay?" 
"I asked you that like 10 seconds ago and you didn't answer, so I think I should be the one asking you," 
"I thought you already did," 
veronica playfully rolls her eyes, "Smartass,"
They hear the door, but the two don't turn around, Veronica brings Natalie closer. 

"What the fuck?" Taissa whispers from behind them.
"Natalie, Vee, what the fuck is that?"
Natalie got up, trying to stop Taissa, but it was too late.
"No, no don't!"
"No! What happened to Jackie!?"
Veronica ran over to help, "It's okay! Taissa, it's okay!"
"Nat! Vee! What happened!? Is that Jackie!?"
Van came running out, "Tai, Tai it's okay,"
"Something, something, something ate her,"

"Taissa! We ate her,"

Taissa whips around, Natalie putting her arms out, trying to stop Taissa from coming closer.
"I didn't! I wouldn't!"
"What are you talking about?" Van snaps. "You were sitting right next to me," Taissa then ran to the side, throwing up. Veronica rubbed her best friend's back, cringing in disgust as the smell smacked her in the face. 
It wasn't until Taissa let out a horrified scream, Veronica stumbles back, the dread and guilt nesting in her stomach. 


"I guess nobody wants breakfast," Mari comments. 
Veronica has to cover her mouth to avoid the gag that forms, the thought of eating made her want to vomit. 
"I don't think anyone's hungry," 
Veronica shakes her head, "I don't want to talk or think about food right now," 
"We should move her," Natalie looked around the group, glancing at Veronica. 
Veronica raises a brow, "The ground is still frozen solid, Nat. That's the whole reason why we..." she trails off, her own thoughts making her stomach twist and turn.
"I'll take her body, or her remains, whatever to the plane. And she can be buried with the others when the ground thaws. Shauna?"
"Whatever you think,"
"Well at least if you bury her with the others it'll look like she died with the rest of them," 

Veronica had to close her eyes, the feeling in her stomach was more intense then ever, she placed the buds of her palms in her eyes, shaking her head. 
"This is all so fucked up," 
Mari scoffs, "No shit, Veronica," 
Veronica feels her head pound as so many things overwhelm her. She squeezes her eyes tighter under her hands, swallowing the vile that she could feel rising in her throat. 
"Ronnie, are you okay?" Van's voice goes through her ears. 
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," 


"Are you going to come with me?" 
Veronica looks up at Natalie who is standing in front of her. 
"Do you want me to come?" 
Natalie nods, "Of course I do, but are you...okay to go?" 
Veronica looks at her, "I'm not made of glass, Natalie, I'm not going to break," 
"I know you won't," 
Veronica stood, "Well, lets go then," 
Natalie nods, the couple making their way outside. 


The two make their way into the plane, Natalie gently rests the bag of Jackie's remains down. 
They both sit down, Veronica stares blankly at the bag, the guilt violently clawing at her stomach. 
Veronica takes a breath, listening as Natalie begins to speak. 

"You're lucky. You know? I think shits going to get a lot worse out here. But you're already dead, so...way to make everyone jealous of you one last time," she pauses, a small chuckle escaping her lips. "I'm sorry... for what we did. Who knows? Eating you could be the reason we survive the winter, so... thanks, Veronica, do you want to-" Natalie's voice is shaky and her eyes are sad when she looks over to her girlfriend. 

Veronica takes a breath, biting her lip. 
"Jackie, you and I have a lot of history. Even if we didn't get off on the best start, I'm still pissed you ratted me out for smoking when we were 14," Veronica pauses, a small chuckle escapes before she continues. "I'm sorry for getting pissed off with you when you were trying to be a good friend. You were always looking out for me, and I was a shitty friend. I'm sorry I kept pushing you away, especially after everything went down with Danny. I'm sorry I blamed you for pushing us together, even if you were being a bit of a bitch, and I'm also sorry for punching you in the face" 

"Veronica, I heard what happened and I just wanted to say-" 
"Fucking save it Jackie" Veronica snapped, the two girls had been in the locker room, the team were getting ready for a game, and Veronica needed to not focus on this bullshit. 
Everyone in the school had found out about Danny and Veronica's split. Danny being best friends with Jeff, told him to told Jackie, who of course, spread the word fast. 
"I was just trying to-" 
"I don't give a fuck what you were trying to do," Veronica stood from the bench she was sitting on, getting the attention of Van, Taissa and Natalie. 
"Guys," Van warns. 
"No. You can fuck right off Jackie," 


"Don't 'Ronnie' me!" She snaps, "Don't fucking talk to me with pity as if you didn't have part in this. You were the one who fucking told everybody!" 
"I was worried about you!" 
Veronica scoffs, crossing her arms, shaking her head. 
Taissa then walked over, "Worried? Is that why you went around saying Veronica was drinking her problems away and she was being 'self destructive'?" 
"What!?" Veronica felt pure rage course through her veins. 
She was so angry because she knew it was true. 

"What the fuck, Jackie!?" 
"Okay guys, now is-" 
"Shut up Laura Lee!" Veronica snapped, glaring at the golden blonde. At this point, everyone was watching closely, Van and Shauna were trying to make sure a fight wouldn't break out.
"You're a fucking bitch," Veronica glared at Jackie, clenching her fists so deep her nails were cutting into her palms. 
Jackie shakes her head, "I was worried about you!" 
"So you went around telling people I was drinking all day and being self destructive!?" 
"You showed up to French drunk!" 
"I was not!" she practically screamed.

"Veronica, Jackie was just trying-" 
"Oh fuck off, Shauna. I don't need Jackie's little lap dog to be fucking barking at me," 
"Okay, Veronica, you need to chill out," Lottie looks at the girl. 
Veronica shakes her head in disbelief  "So no one but Taissa realizes what she did was fucked up!? Why is everyone defending Jackie and taking her side!?" 
Veronica blinks away the tears that are welling in her eyes and frustration and anger overwhelm her. "So much for a fucking team," 

"There are no sides Veronica, we have a game in half an hour and we need to focus," Van intervenes. 
Taissa nods, "Just fuck off, Jackie. Give her space," 
"Maybe if she wasn't such a bitch, Danny wouldn't have fucked another-" 
That's when Veronica lost it. 

Veronica didn't even realize until she felt the pain in her knuckles that she had punched Jackie right in the face. 
She swung in a fit of rage, hitting Jackie right in the cheek bone. 
"Say that again bitch!" Veronica went to lunge, but Natalie and Taissa grabbed her, pulling her back. 
"That's enough, Veronica!" Natalie tugs on the girls arm, watching as Jackie held her cheek, staring in shock. 
"Did you just fucking punch me!? What the fuck is wrong with you!?" 
"You bet your fucking ass I did and I'll fucking do it again!"

Veronica took a breath, "I wish you would have listened when I told you to stay inside. But more importantly, I wish I would have came outside to tell you to come in. I'm sorry, Jackie. I'm really sorry, for everything," 
Natalie rested her head on Veronica's shoulder. "Rest in peace, Jackie," she paused for a moment, looking at Veronica, "And for the record, It was pretty badass when you punched her," 
Veronica playfully rolls her eyes, but she goes serious when they hear rustling. 

"What the fuck?" Veronica looks ahead, a white moose in sight. 
Natalie grabs the gun, aiming, but misses. 
"Oh shit," Veronica stares in horror as the moose begins to charge at them. 
"Shoot it! Shoot it Nat!" 
"The fucking gun is jammed!?" she cries, panic filled in her voice. 
The moose charges at them, hitting the plane, both of them crashing down. 
When Veronica grabbed the gun, sitting back up, gun pointed, but the moose was gone. 

"What the actual fuck?" Veronica looks ahead, confusion all over her face. 
"Are we going crazy? Or was the moose there?" 
"Maybe a bit of both honesty," 

𝕮𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 - Teen timelineWhere stories live. Discover now