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"What?" Natalie asks, disbelief evident in her voice. 
"I said fine," Veronica states, ripping away from Natalie's grasp, "I'll go along with you sick and fucking twisted plan to save your ass," Veronica crossed her arms over her chest, trying to ignore the dull pain in her cheek, it was better to focus on that then the aching, stabbing pain in her heart. She hated that she always did this. 
She did it with Danny. 
She was doing it all over again with Natalie. 

She hated how she was a moth, getting attached to whomever held the flame. 
And no matter how many times she got burnt by said flame, she found herself always going back for more. 

Veronica glared at Natalie, "Lets just get this over with," 
"No. I don't want to hear another fucking word. Not right now, Natalie"

The two then waited at the spot, Travis coming in view. 
Veronica bit her cheek at the aching in her cheek bone, dam Natalie could throw a mean punch. 
Veronica was also racking her mind for excuses, ones for the group and Taissa specifically who for sure would see through all the bullshit. 

"I'm sorry," Natalie whispers. 
Veronica doesn't respond, she couldn't. She also hadn't looked Natalie in the eyes once, knowing if she did she would cave like she always did. 
Travis approaches them, panting, "What happened to your face," 
Natalie doesn't waste time holding the pants up, making Travis' whole demeanor change. 

Travis takes a shaky breath, "Where, um"
"Hanging on a branch," she lies. "A couple miles back,"
"Well did you guys look for him!?" he roughly pushes past Natalie.
"Everywhere! Everywhere!" Natalie yells.
Travis grabs Natalie roughly, shaking her, clearly startling her "Did you dig!? Did you dig!?" 
Veronica pushes Travis off Natalie, "Hey! Yes! We did everything! We dug and screamed, there was nothing!" 

Travis shakes his head, the tears were beginning to well. 
"No, no, no," he kept repeating, shaking his head. 
"I'm so sorry, Travis," Veronica whispers.
"We have to go get him!"
"Come on!" Veronica yelled, her and Natalie both trying to hold him back.
Travis slowly dropped to his knees, sobs wracked his body as Natalie and Veronica held him. 


"What the fuck did we miss?" Veronica asks as they approach the cabin. 
Natalie squints her eyes, "What did you do to her face?" 
Taissa approaches them, "We decided it was time to move on," she pauses, her eyes falling to Veronica, "Vee, what happened to your cheek?" she goes to lift her chin, but Veronica flinches away, swallowing thickly. "Nothing, It's fine," 
When Taissa goes to add on, Veronica interrupts her, "We have more important shit to worry about right now, Taissa," 

Natalie shakes her head, "This has been a fucking day," 
 Veronica doesn't respond, not having spoken a single word to Natalie. She could tell her girlfriend was slowly losing it with every moment of silence that came after she talked to the girl.
Natalie hated the silent treatment, she would rather being screamed at for hours then to be ignored. 
"Wait, are those, Javi's?"
Travis holds the bloodied pants close to his chest.
"No," Lottie whispers. "Can't be,"
"Not another word," Natalie says through gritted teeth.

"No, Javi's alive, I can feel it,"
"For fucks sakes, shut up!" Natalie charged towards the girl. "Don't you see how much damage you're doing? Why? Lottie why? What is making you fucking do this? You can't just keep making him-"
"Shh," Shauna shushes, holding the torch. 

Veronica holds her breath as she lights the sticks below Jackie's corpse. 
Her lungs squeeze tightly as she stares. 
She can feel Natalie's eyes on her, but Veronica doesn't look at her, she holds her hands close to her chest, her eyes unable to tear away from Jackie. 

"Jackie," Shauna began. "I'll never have another friend like you. I don't even know where I end and you begin. I'm sorry. And I love you,"
Shauna set the torch down, the fire spreading.
"Goodbye Javi," Travis sets the pants in between some of the wood, letting it burn along with Jackie.
Veronica was the first to head inside, locking herself in one of the bedrooms. 

𝕮𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 - Teen timelineWhere stories live. Discover now