𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔

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"That was fucking crazy," Veronica and Natalie begin making their way back to the cabin, keeping their eye out in case the moose came back. 
"I'm just glad we didn't fucking die," Natalie sighs, looking over at Veronica. 
Veronica nods, "Yeah well, we have the stupid baby shower so we'll be mentally dead in a bit," 
"I can't believe Shauna is going to have a fucking baby out here," 
Veronica takes a breath, "Yeah, I'm not ready for that," 
"She'll be okay," 
"It's not just her. What if the baby doesn't make it? Or if it does, there is the problem of feeding it, keeping it warm-" 
"Hey," Natalie grabs Veronica's arm, "You don't need to stress out about this right now. Okay?" 
Veronica nods, "Okay," 


Veronica smiled as Natalie played with her hair, watching as Van gave Shauna her makeshift gift. 
"Thanks, Van," Shauna smiles, 
Van nods, "Yeah," 
Natalie moved her arms to wrap around Veronica's waist, Veronica smiles, kissing her cheek. 

Misty then stood, "For my gift, I would like to preform a monologue from Steel Magnolia's."
Veronica glanced at Natalie, smiling at the horrified look on her girlfriend's face.
Crystal was the only one clapping as everyone else had pure dread on their face.
"Looks like the high school theater department followed us here," Veronica mumbles, Taissa, Van and Natalie all smile, laughing softly at Veronica's joke. 

"We turned off the machines. Drum left. He couldn't make it. Jackson left. I find it amusing. Men are suppose to be made of steel or something. I was there when that wonderful creature drifted into my life. And I was there when she drifted out. It was the most precious moment of my life."

"Did she really chose a scene about a dead daughter?" Taissa whispers to Natalie and Veronica, Van nods.
"Are you surprised?" Natalie whispers.
"I mean, it's Misty. I expect nothing less," 
"I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm fine! I can jog all the way to Texas and back, but my daughter can't! She never could! Oh god I'm so mad!"
Veronica looked back at Natalie and Taissa, 'oh my god' she mouths. 
Misty finishes her monologue, Crystal clapping loudly.  

Lottie then handed Shauna a quilt, Veronica noticed the symbol embroidered on it right away.
"So she doesn't get cold,"
"Thank you Lottie, I love it,"
"What the hell, Lottie?" Veronica looks up, a strange feeling settling in her stomach. 
Natalie noticed the symbol too. "Is this suppose to be funny or something? I-I mean?"
"What? No,"
"Then why would you put that creepy symbol on a baby blanket? Don't you remember how we found it all around a dead guys fucking corpse?" Natalie gently moves away from Veronica, standing up.
"Yeah, I remember but... I think he was using it as protection,"
"He died Lottie,"
"Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's evil," 
"Doesn't mean it's normal either!" Veronica defends. 

"Give me that!" Natalie takes the blanket, Mari pushes her out of the way.
"It was a gift!"
veronica stood up, glaring at Mari, "Don't fucking touch her," 
"Doesn't her baby deserve protection?" Akilah asks.
"No one is saying the baby doesn't!" Veronica argues.
"I trust Lottie," Mari snaps.
"Oh yeah, news flash!"
"So do I" Misty interjects.
"Me too, she's seen things,"

"She's not God you guys!" Taissa defends,
"No one is saying that," Van groans.
"No," Veronica begins, "But you guys are fucking acting like she is!" 
"Oh god, Shauna," Taissa rushes over, pulling out scrap fabric and holding it against her bleeding nose.
The sound of rustling, fluttering and smacking made Veronica tense, looking around. 
"What the fuck is that!?" 

Veronica opens the door, staring in horror at the site of a bunch of dead birds littered all around outside. "What the fuck?" she gasps. 
"Don't touch them," Natalie warns as everyone joins Veronica on the deck, "They night be diseased,"
"We know there's a lot of Iron on the ground. So, maybe it messed with the birds navigation,"
"We should gather it's blessings," 


Veronica shot awake, breathing heavily as her nightmare circled in her head over and over. 
She rubs her face, looking over at Natalie, smiling at how peaceful she looks. 
Veronica reaches over, grabbing her smokes and a blanket, carefully making her way outside, sitting on the deck.
She lights the smoke, trying to ease her nerves, running a hand through her hair.


Veronica looks up, seeing Van and Taissa heading back from the woods. 
She blows her smoke out, "What are you guys doing?" she observes the panic on Taissa's face. "Are you okay?" 
Taissa nods, about to head inside, "Uh, I don't think so. Come on, sit and talk about your feelings with me," 
Taissa looks at Van, who nods, heading back inside. 

Taissa sighs, sitting beside Veronica, who wraps her blanket around the girl. 
"Now, what's really going on? Because you and I both know something's been going on with you for a while now," 
Taissa sighs, looking at Veronica's cigarette, Veronica holds it out to her, Taissa takes it, coughing slightly, Veronica laughs. 
"Ha, you're a rookie again," 
Taissa shakes her head, "Fuck, I forgot how good cigarettes were," 
Veronica nods,  "I'm trying to savor it before I run out," 
Taissa nods, "I've been sleep walking," 

Veronica looks at her, "You have?" 
Taissa nods, her breath getting shakier, "Yeah, and, I almost died, Vee. Without Van I would have died,"
"Hey," Veronica puts her smoke out, placing a hand on Taissa's leg, "You're still here. You're still here and as of right now that's all that matters," 
Taissa shakes her head, "Do you remember when Van was attacked by the wolf?" 
Veronica nods. 
"I was suppose to be keeping watch, but I fell asleep and I slept walk. It was my fault that she got hurt, she could have died because of me,"
Veronica shakes her head, "It wasn't your fault, Taissa," 
"It still feels like it is," 
"it's not, and I know for certain Van does not think it's your fault," 

Taissa sighs, "I just, I hate this. This all fucking sucks and now everyone is treating Lottie like some fucking God," 
"Oh my god I was waiting to talk to you about this," 
Veronica turns to fully face Taissa, the other girl smiles, thinking back to the times where her and Veronica would sit for ours gossiping. 
"It's fucking crazy, it's like everyone is following her like a fucking cult," 
"Van fully believes it," 
"Natalie doesn't, thank god,"

Taissa smiles, "You two seem to be getting pretty serious," 
"I mean, I guess we are yeah," Veronica looks down for a minute, "I really love her, Tai. I really do," 
"Well, I'll make sure to remind her that if she does what Danny did, I'll punch her in the face," 
Veronica laughs, "Oh, I'm sure she knows after what you did to Danny," 
"It was satisfying as fuck to punch that dick in the face," 
"It was satisfying to watch my best friend punch my cheating ex in the face," 

Taissa smiles, "You know, I had a crush on you Sophomore and junior year," 
"What?" Veronica laughs, "You did?" 
"Yeah, I mean, you Veronica Howard are the reason I realized I liked girls," 
"Glad I could be at your service," Veronica looks at Taissa, who laughs. 
"No wonder you were so jealous of Danny and didn't like him so much," 
"No, I stand by always thinking he was an asshole,"
"You and Van are really cute, for the record," 
"Thank you. I love you, Vee,"
"I love you too, Tai," 

"Veronica? Tai? What are you guys doing? It's fucking freezing outside."

The two girls look up, Natalie wrapped in a blanket and Veronica's sweater comes waltzing out, Veronica laughs,  "Don't you look cozy," 
Natalie playfully rolls her eyes, "Doesn't answer my question," 
"We were just having some 'Girl Talk'" Veronica smiles, standing up. 
"I'm going to head in, thank you, Vee," Taissa moves past the couple, heading inside. 

Natalie looks at Veronica, raising a brow. 
"I just had a bad dream, Taissa was awake and we were just talking and catching up," 
Natalie tilts her head, "Are you okay? Why didn't you wake me up?" 
"Because you have been practically killing yourself trying to get food and helping Travis and your own...bad dreams. You've barley been sleeping and I didn't want to wake you when you were actually sleeping," 
Natalie nods, "Well thank you for looking out for me. I wish I could have been there for you when you woke up," 

Veronica smiles, "It wasn't too bad. No tears or panic, it was just kinda...scary," 
Natalie nods, Veronica tilts her head, wrapping her arms around Veronica's neck. 
"Did you have a bad dream?" 
Natalie shakes her head, "No, I just turned over and realized you weren't there, then I noticed your smokes were gone," 

"Well, lets head inside, try to get some more sleep," 
Natalie nods, the two make their way in, Natalie wraps her arms around Veronica's waist, resting her head on her chest. 

𝕮𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 - Teen timelineWhere stories live. Discover now