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Chapter 3

I regained my strength, and struggled to walk to the sink in the bathroom. I looked at the myself in the mirror. When Nathaniel slapped me, he cut the corner of my lip, causing it bleed. I grabbed a tissue, and dabbed the blood from my tender lip. Three years of happiness, and this has never happened to me before. If I don't cook his food soon, I may get struck again, and I don't want that to happen.

I cleaned my face up, and walked to the kitchen. I pulled out a steak and seasoned it, and put a pot of rice on to cook. "The food smells good babe." His voice made my stomach twist, made my head throb. After seasoning the steak with herbs and spices, I put it on the grill which was outside in the backyard. As I waited for the steak to become well done, I kept rethinking of when he hit me, and why he would become so...jealous. He should know that my heart belongs to him, and no one else.

After minutes of cooking, I pulled the steaks off of the grill. The rice was finished cooking, and now dinner was ready. "Nathaniel, your food is ready." I said to him. I walked back into the kitchen, and began to cut me a piece of steak. I felt Nathan's presence behind me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, and it made me tremble. I dropped my fork and knife, and took a deep breath. "Baby I'm sorry. I shouldn't have become so jealous." He was a monster moments ago, now he is..naive. "I hope you can forgive me sweetheart." He said. He kissed my cheek, and squeezed my body. I wanted to say "No. I'm going to divorce you now." But instead I said, "I forgive you Nathan. Enjoy your dinner."

It was the next day and Nathaniel is already gone for work. I woke up to brush my teeth, and to get myself ready for work. I looked in the mirror, and the left side of my lip was swollen and purple. There was no way makeup could cover this. I can't go to work like this! However, I have to go to work today, it's going to be busy. Maybe I can just keep my head down when dealing with customers. Yes, that is what I will do. However, the soreness was a pain, and it hurt to move my mouth. I'll just try to ignore it. I washed my face with warm water to help me be more alert. I skipped breakfast, and just drove myself to work.

When I made it to work I set up my computer and reassigned some paper work. I don't have the energy to much today. I just want to sleep, and be alone. The bell rang from the opening door. "Good morning Crystal." After being smacked across the face by my husband, I have been a little jumpy. I looked and it was Bruno. The guy who's last name is a planet. "Good morning Bruno. How are you this morning?" I tried to act like I had something to do so he didn't notice my bruised lip. "Ah I'm doing well. How are you?" He asked me. "I'm fine! Thanks for asking." I retorted. "Okay go ahead and sign in." I covered my mouth. He could tell I was acting differently today. He signed his name, and gave me back the paper and pen. "If you don't mind me asking, but what happened to your lip?" Bruno asked.

I was extremely embarrassed, and did not know how to answer his question. I obviously was not going to tell him I got slapped across the face by my husband because I was talking to another man. " know...doing stupid things." I said nervously. "Well I hope you don't do it again. A girl should never walk around with bruises." Bruno said. I can tell he is a man who is caring, but after being struck by Nathaniel, I still love him.


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