The News

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Chapter 20

After I recieved my pregnancy slip and left the hospital, I drove to Bruno's house. I am positive, no, I know he is the father of this baby. I know he hates me, but I want him to know. I will not raise a child who does not know their father. Not like me. Who knows who my father is, and at my age, I don't care to know.

Once I pulled up to Bruno's house, I walked up to his door step. I took a deep breath and pressed my finger on the doorbell. I then heard the door unlocking and my muscles began to shake. When the door swung open, I expected to see Bruno, but instead I saw Patrice. Bruno's alleged girlfriend.

"Hey...Crystal right?" Patrice asked. "Yeah, uh is Bruno home?" I shrugged my shoulders and put my hands in my back pocket. "Uhm, he can't come to the door right now." "Look, Pat, ca-can I call you Pat? Okay." I said "Pat, I have information for Bruno, which is strictly for Bruno, so if you would so kindly get Bruno to the damn door or there will be problems between you and I." Just as I said "and I" Bruno walked to the door. "I'll handle this." Bruno said to Patrice.

Bruno closed the door behind him, and we were both standing in the patio. "What do you want?" Bruno said in a stubborn tone. "Um...uh, I have some news for you that I don't know if you will be mad or happy." I said softly. "And that is?" Bruno then crossed his arms. "I'm pregnant." I said whispered. "Woah woah woah. I didn't hear you. Say it again." Bruno raised his eye brow. "I'm pregnant." I said louder.

Bruno rubbed his hands through his hair not wanting to believe what I was saying. "You told me you had a disease where you can't have any children. So you just lied to me?" Bruno whispered. "Why would I lie to anyone about me not being able to have children?" Bruno was taking this harder than I expected.

"Are you not happy? Would you be happy if I just got rid of it?" Bruno looked at me and his eyebrows curled. "Fine maybe I'll go make an appointment to get it out of me." I said to him. I turned around, and began to walk. "No!" Bruno grabbed my arm. "You will not kill an innocent." I wiped the tears in my eyes. "Why would I raise a child, who does not have a father in their life?" "I will be in that child's life." I looked in his eyes. "But why would I be a mother if the child's father does not love me."

Bruno's eyes began to sparkle and glisten from the sun. He slowly brought his lips to my cheek. My stomach twisted. "I never stopped loving you. You. You broke my heart. All I wanted for you, was to be happy." "But how can you love me, when you love her." I said to Bruno. "Psh, Pat? I'm not in love with her. Never was and never will." "But I saw you holding her hand. On the news." Bruno began to snicker. "I was pulling her along with me to the car, the paparazzi was becoming very pushy. Besides, we weren't alone, we went with a group, but the Paps don't want to show that. They change things up to make a buck." I felt slightly better about that.

"But let's forget about that. Crys, I will be in that child's life and yours." Bruno said. He grabbed my left hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry for everything." Bruno said to me. "I'm sorry too." Bruno's brown eyes pierced me, and he leaned in towards me. He soft lips massaged mine and it was delightful. I put my arms around on his shoulders, and he gripped his hands on my curvy hips. "You're mine and only mine. No matter what." Bruno said as he broke our kiss.

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