"I almost lost you"

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Chapter 27

I was dreaming of the crash. A nightmare being relived. However, in my dream, after the crash, I was holding my newborn, and Bruno was standing beside me, and he was so handsome, with his smile. He was a proud father. I guess I can say this nightmare became a loving dream I want to come true.

I heard a beeping sound, and it slowly woke me up. Once I opened my fragile eyes, my head began to throb. "Mmm" I whined. I felt a hand glide into mine, and I slowly turned my head to my left. I looked over and it was Bruno. His eyes were completely red.

"I'm happy you're okay." Bruno said. I saw him tearing up. "I almost lost you." Bruno put my hand to his forehead, and he began to sob. I have never seen Bruno cry this hard about anything. "Baby." I said to Bruno. "Look at me." I whispered. He looked at me, and I reached over to wipe his tears. "I'm here and I am fine." I said to Bruno. "Yeah my right leg is pretty numb, but I'll be alright." "Oh yeah, no one told you about your leg huh?" Bruno asked.

The way he said it, I believed that my whole right leg was amputated. "Did they cut it off?" I asked. "No, but you cracked your shin bone, so they put on a cast temporarily." I moved the sheets and I saw the white cast on my right leg. The next question is the baby okay.

"Am I still pregnant?" I asked Bruno. "Thankfully, yes." "Ohhhhh!" I praised. "Thank God!" Bruno was still holding my hand, and he continued to wash my hands in his tears. "Bruno! Please stop crying." I asked him sincerely. "I don't want you to cry." "I...I hate to see you like this! I've seen you fall, and I am trying to pull you back up. It just seems that when I get you to where I think is a good position for you, you fall back. Over and over. I lost you once, I can't lose you again Crystal. I just can't. What if the car flipped, you could've died instantly." Bruno snapped. "I couldn't bare to hear that news. I care too much." Bruno added.

"Bruno I am alive! Okay? Let's get that though both of our heads right now. And yeah, I'll have to be in a wheel chair for a while, but it won't be so bad." I said. Bruno wiped the tears that ran down his cheeks. "Okay." Bruno said. He put on his sun glasses, and looked out the window. "Paparazzi?" I asked. "Yeah. Those bastards just don't know when to leave people alone." "Are you going to head back home?" I asked. Bruno sat back in his chair beside me. "I'll be here until they tell me I can't be here anymore, and I'll be the first person here for visiting hours."

I smiled at him. I puckered my lips, gesturing to him to kiss me. He put his hand on my cheek, and he slowly and romantically kissed my lips. A french kiss to be exact. When his nose rubs with mine as we kiss, it soothes me. Kisses like these, I never want to end. "I feel like I'm healing already." I smiled. Bruno bit his bottom lip. "I'll heal you any time." He jokingly said. "Shut up!" I laughed and so did he. Laughter is the best medicine.

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