Trying To Move On

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Chapter 18

As I drove home, I wiped my tears that felt from my eyes. It's so hard, to see someone breaking, and they are breaking you as well. I wish he were honest with me, and we can help each other. He didn't choose that. He didn't use his common sense and it saddens me.

Once I pulled into the driveway, I walked inside, and noticed Bruno was not sitting on the couch. "Bruno?" I called. There was no reply. "Bruno!" I shouted. There was again, no response. Where could he possibly be and could not hear me? My first instinct was to walk to his "music room". I walked in and peeked into the room, and Bruno was sitting at the piano. However, he was not playing or writing, but he fell asleep amongst the keys. His face was tucked within his arms, and he had a glass of Whiskey to the side of him. I moved the glass out of the way and tapped on Bruno. He didn't wake up. Dammit! "Bruno." I said in his ear. He was knocked out.

"Bruno!" I raised my voice. I then smacked him lightly on his cheek, and he awoke. "Oh...shit!" He began to rub his head. "I need to take you to your bed." I said holding his arm. "No. Sit here." He pulled me onto his lap. He's still drunk, but he's very calm. "I was playing a song, that I made, and I want you to hear it." He then positioned his hands on the keys, and he was hitting two keys at once, which sounded terrible. "Bruno" I stopped him. "You love me right?" His eyes glared at me. "Yes" I can tell the alcohol is wearing off, and he is becoming more attentive. "You would never let me go?" I asked. "I will never let that happen. Unless you choose to leave, and let me go." His eyes sparkled in the artificial lights.

"Are...are you leaving me?" Bruno asked. "I-I don't know what I want. That phone call I received earlier, it was Nathaniel." Bruno then forced me off of his lap. "Why the hell would you go see him and not tell me?" I held my arms to myself and didn't respond. "Why?" He asked softly and sincere. "I wanted answers." Bruno eyes began to tear up.

"You want to go back to him. Don't you?" I looked down at my feet. "Then go." Bruno began to lead me to the door. "If you want him, have him." Bruno added. "Bruno I just need time to think. Okay?" "To think about what? Be beaten for the rest of your life? Or to be happy?" "I want to be happy!" I cried. He then grabbed my arms and rubbed them. "Then be happy, with me." Bruno said. I was speechless and had no further words to say. "Go and think, but I don't want you thinking about leaving me, in my house." "Fine." I said sternly to him.

I went into the room Bruno allowed me to stay in, and packed my bags. I put my accessories in my bag and other materials. I then rolled my bag to the front door. "I love you" I said to Bruno. "I don't know what to feel about you right now." Bruno then opened the door gesturing me to leave. I wiped my eyes as I walked out of the house, and this was it. I don't know what I want, and I need to think about my future and whom I want to spend it with. I got in my car, and I saw Bruno wiping his eyes as well. I did not intend to hurt, and he does not intend to hurt me. But all we want is to be happy.


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