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I woke up at the crack of dawn, very unwillingly. Once I'm awake, it's very hard for me to go back asleep. So, I showered and got ready for the day.

I even made French toast for everyone. My mom came downstairs shocked at me. "Since when does Sleeping Beauty wake up early and make breakfast?" She teases me.

"When did you start looking like the hag version of the evil queen?" I shoot back almost instantly.

My mom pucks her lips out. "When she had to shove out two kids. Pass me a plate, Renée." I pass her a plate of French toast and eggs.

"I was gonna go for a walk." I finish placing French toast and eggs into a paper bag.

My mom eyes me. "Where you going at 7:50 am?"

"Neverland." I tell her before putting on my coat and walking out the door. To be honest, I was going to give the breakfast to Fulton. I see him all the time in alley ways and eating pasteurized foods.

I reach his alley and walk inside. "Yo, Fulton!" I shout around, walking further in.

"Hey, angry ice." I hear him say.

I glance around and spot him laying down on a fire escape. "Brought breakfast." I toss it to him and he caught it. "Figured you would like it." I say as he opens it.

"Uh, thanks for the food..." He looks inside the bag. "Um, you could go now. You look freezing wearing slippers." I look down and couldn't believe I forgot to put on boots.

I awkwardly laugh at the slippers. "See you 'round, Reed."

"Ciao." He says before taking out a French toast. I was not expecting that from him.


I was chilling in my bathroom cleaning it with a record playing. I was humming to the song as my mom walked into the bathroom.

"Don't be pissed, but your father is coming for dinner tonight." My mom tells me and I notice her blonde hair was curled. "We ran out of pop, can you run to the store and get some? Elio is helping me with a chocolate cake."

I give her a face. "He won't show." I walk out of the room and she follows me to my bed. "But I'm trying to avoid conflict as of now, so what kind of soda?"

"Cherry coke and fanta for your brother." She smiles at me and pecks my forehead. "Sometimes it's hard to forget you're not always bitchy."

I look at her. "Sometimes it's hard to forget you're not actually 55 with those wrinkles and grey hairs."

"And you're back." My mom sighs and she walks out of the room. i give a small smile as I fix my necklace and turn off the record player before going down to the front door.

I put on my boots, coat, beanie, gloves, and scarf. I grab money from the bowl on the dresser and head to the store.

I began talking to myself as I browse the store for the sodas. I find the sodas and pay at the front.

I had to take a detour as the cops blocked off one street. On the detour street, I saw a familiar van parked in front of an apartment complex.

The closer I looked at it, the more I remembered where I saw it. It was my dad's.

I tried to look through the open windows with lights on to see if he was there. I saw him... eating dinner with a lady and little boy.

Hard to admit but I wished that was me instead of the little boy. He was my dad. Bombay was laughing and smiling sitting there and eating.

I scoff and head home. I walk up the porch steps to my house, quite angry at what I saw.

I open the door and saw Elio standing there. "Have dinner dad! Oh wait, you're not dad." He sighed. "Hey, Vivi."

"That man is not coming." I sourly say as I undress. Elio looked confused. "He's having dinner with a different little boy."

My mom overheard and came over. "He's what!?"

"Yeah," I walk to the kitchen and place the sodas onto the counter. "I saw him at an apartment eating dinner with a woman and a little boy. And boy did he look much happier."

I snatch a plate of spaghetti and head to my room, closing the door after me. I frustratingly eat my food at my desk, careful to not make a mess.

I had already turned on the salt lamp and put a record to play. I finish the food and I place the plate into the sink when I hear a knock on the door.

I glance to the clock and saw that it read 9:15. Elio had fallen asleep on the couch. I walk over and open the door. "Go away, scumbag." I say.

"Viv, that's not a nice thing to say to your father.

I roll my eyes. "Oh, tell that to your new son."


I glare my eyes at him. "You heard me, hag. I saw you having dinner with him instead of us. My mom said you were supposed to be here. Guess you lied to her. Again."

"Viv, that was one of my players and his mom-"

"Oh, so now you're going after a new family instead of coming to your own? Expected." I shut the door in his face. He knocks on the door again. "You don't leave I'll have you in for trespassing." I say as I open the door again.

He looks sad in the eyes. "See you, Viv..." He walks down the porch and leaves in his car.


My mom gave me money to go get a new stick and shin guards. I got to the store and began browsing the stick options.

That's when district 5 and my dad come running in. The team goes crazy in the store. Everyone was quite hard to ignore.

I spot a familiar face near the door. "Hey, nice seeing you again." I give a smile to Fulton.

"Back to you, angry ice." He passes a stick to blonde boy. "Need a stick?"

I look at them. "Sure, why not." He passes me one. "Thank you." I say to him when I spot Bombay looking towards us. "See you." I got the shin guards, paid, and left the store.


I have a hockey game today. My mom and Elio drop me off at the rink. I went towards the lockers and got dressed. When I left for the rink, I saw Banks talking to Larson.

"Oh, Viv!" Banks smiles at me. "Nice to see you."

Larson looks at me. "Yeah. Now let's go to the ice." McGill ended up being sick so he missed the game.

The game was boring as we were absolutely whooping their butts. After we won (15-2), Larson ran up to me before I got to my mom's car.

"Hey, Vivienne." He says to me. "Look, I apologize for being rude the other day after the game."

I look him up and down. "Okay... Can I go now?"

"But I just said sorry. Aren't you going to say it's fine?"

I stifle a laugh. "If it makes this conversation end. You are forgiven." I turn and continue my walk to the car, leaving Larson behind.

My mom drives off and I saw Larson staring at the car through the rear view mirror. Oh, his face was priceless.

𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼Where stories live. Discover now