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Fall of 1994 is when we Ducks got back together, all aged to 14/15. We all got some fancy shmancy full ride scholarship to Eden Hall Academy here in Minneapolis.

I was really super stoked to hear about that, not as much as I have to go to the school early for this thing the headmaster is doing.

I haven't really kept in touch with the New Ducks, except for Kenny and it used to be Dean too. He doesn't answer me as much anymore.

I hear about Julie and Luis through Connie. Apparently, Julie became famous in her town of Bangor, Maine and dated both a chick and a dude.

Luis used his new fame to get around. And man did he get around. Connie even confessed she and him dated for a few months, starting from right before we went up against Russia.

Fulton tells me about Dwayne and Dean. Dwayne became an uncle to a baby girl and he competes in horseback riding, along with hockey.

Dean got into juvie for three weeks, but other than that, I don't know what else he's been up to.

Kenny became a big brother last year. He gave me weekly updates on little Liam Wu. He tells me all the drama he hears from his school and family. And boy does San Francisco have drama.

He still hasn't told me who else liked me. And damn, it still bothers me. I hate when I don't know something that literally involves me in it.

The old Ducks are alright. I stopped hanging with them because of school, but I still see them around. I mostly go with Adam, Fulton, and Connie.

Banks because his dad gives me and Elio rides everywhere and also because he was my first real friend. I just love him so much and it's nice to have him around, even when he's complaining about schoolwork.

Fulton practically lives at my house as he's always over. He never stays the night as my mom isn't always home and Elio doesn't want someone staying over if ma ain't here.

I see Connie and Colette (her sister) a lot everywhere. Connie came over a lot and Elio really liked her. He lets her stay overnight. I also heard Jesse moved to Alabama or like Georgia or something during summer and he doesn't want to take the scholarship.


Mr. Banks drops me and Adam off at the school. "Thanks, dad."

"Yeah, thank you, Mr. Banks." He smiles and waves off. We turn towards the castle like school. We were wearing the jerseys from our Iceland championship game. "This is a school?"

Banksie looks it up and down. "Supposed so." He rubs his neck. "Let's go find the others, it should be easy if they're wearing the jerseys."

"Yeah, let's go look." We walk around the school and go find the other players. "Kenny Wu!" I spot Kenny walking with the New Ducks.

I tackle him and we fall to the floor. "GAH!" Ken yells. "What the-RENNY!" He looks to me and gives me a proper hug as we sit on the ground. "Hi, Adam."

"Wow, how enthusiastic." Banks laughs and says hi to the other players there.

I help Kenny up and give him another hug. He was taller than me now. "Talk about a growth spurt, what are you now, nearing six foot?" I joke and punch his shoulder.

"Funny, Vivs." Kenny runs his hand through his hair. "5'6." He turns and dabs up Adam as he came over.

I look him up and down. "Get used to that height, Kenny Boo. It's gonna be like that forever."

He turns away sheepishly. "Kenny Boo?" Julie laughs. "That's a new one. Missed you, V." Julie gives me a side hug.

"Isn't the scholarship thing at nine?" Dean says and we all look at him. "It's 8:53."


We make it to the interview thing and quickly say hello to the other Ducks that were there. My dad was also there. He was holding the mic like he was getting ready to talk.

    "Thank you. It's a great honor to be here today, to introduce you to a truly amazing group of kids. Sure, they can be a little rambunctious. They've run me ragged and played their fair share of pranks. I still haven't forgotten about those eggs..." Everyone laughs at that statement from Bombay. "But I hung in there and they hung for me. We became the 'Quack Attack', the 'Flying V' and the Bash Brothers. And I also haven't forgotten about the Zamboni Accident and someone's potty mouth."

    I glance to Guy and Fulton and we all chuckle a bit.

    He continues. "I've never had a better time. These kids are winners. Each and every one of them. But more than that, they are great people. I hope they enrich and enliven your school and your lives the way they have mine. Now, I hand you over to my old biology teacher and current Headmaster of Eden Hall, Dean Buckley."

He steps away from the mics and the headmaster goes to it. Man, is he old. He looks like he could be my grandfather.

"Gordon Bombay has a lot to be proud of. We are happy to welcome the Ducks to our great educational institution. So, today it gives me great pleasure to award you these full athletic scholarships to Eden Hall Academy." He smiles at the cameras. "Where we hope the Ducks will be great Warriors and lead us into glory and divisional championships."

The reporters and us clap at his statement. We stay for a few more minutes for pictures with him for the paper.

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