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Today Bombay took us to the North Stars rink and we got to meet and see the players. I stare at the players go by and point them out to Banks.

"This literally cannot be happening." I smile big. "Banks, pinch me." He actually pinches me. "Wha-ow! I was kidding!" I elbow him in the side

I focused my attention back to Bombay as he started to clap his hands now. "Now let's go and have some fun!"

He lets us all into the ice and we start to goof around with one another. I have no idea how long it's been since I've been on the ice for fun and not for practice or games.

"Doesn't this feel nice, Adam?" I skate over to Banks and circle him. He gives me a confused look. "Getting to have fun!" I grab his hands and we spin in circles.

Banks was laughing so hard. "Woah, woah, woah-" He slips and pulls me down with him. We start to laugh and giggle.

"Woah, are you guys alright?" Fulton saw the whole thing and helped us up. "Banks, Ice, y'all good?"

We nod and he circles around us before leaving. "What with you and Fulton?"

"He's just like how you are to me." I bump Banks' shoulder. "My brotha from different motha."

Banks grins and races me around on the ice.


The North Stars game begins and we take some seats in the stands. Banks on my left, Fulton on my right, with Jesse on his right.

Everything was going great until Banks and I spotted McGill and Larson. They shoot finger guns at us. Banks hides his face with his jacket collar.

I slide down in my seat and hide behind Banks. Fulton taps my shoulder and gives me an 'are-you-alright' look. I nod my head slightly.

Great, now seeing them might give me an attitude. We haven't spoken to McGill since I left Larson's house that day and Larson's was when I left him at the stadium.

I grab Banks' hand and give it a small squeeze. "Don't let them bother us." I give an encouraging smile and he gives one back.


I was walking with Banks and Charlie once the game ended. "So I think I want to play in the NHL when I get older. Probably the North Stars." Charlie was going on and on about it.

A golden blonde haired woman walks up to Charlie. She looks vaguely familiar, like I've seen her somewhere. "Charlie, sweetheart come on."

"Bye guys, that's my mom!" Charlie left with her.

Banks notices my face. "Viv, you good?"

"Yeah, it's just..." I stare at the two blondes walk away. "She looks familiar from somewhere. I just can't place it."

Banks and I go to the crosswalk. His dad said for us to meet him at the drug store down the street to pick us up as he didn't want to get stuck in all the cars leaving.

"She works at one of the diners. Maybe that's where?" Banks suggests and I sigh telling him no. "A mutual friend of your mom's..?"

I audibly laugh. "As if my mom has any friends. The only friend she had, almost killed her."

"Then I dunno, Vivs." Banks shrugs his shoulders. "Oh, look there's my dad. Come on!"


I say good bye to Mr. Banks and Adam. I head up the stairs porch and go inside. My mom was singing Christmas music and baking cookies with Elio.

"-This year to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special!" My mom sang and Elio did the backup vocals.

I take off my coat and lower the music. "Ma, are you okay?"

My mom spins around to look at me. "Of course, Renée! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Momma is taking us to see the ice sculptures tonight!" Elio gives a toothy smile.

I blink my eyes. "Ma's taking us... out? Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"I'm allowed to take my honey bunches anywhere I go, Renée." My mom cleans her and Elios hands in the sink. "So we're leaving at around 7:30."

I felt out of place standing there listening to my mom sing Christmas carols with my brother. I slide off the boots and go up to my room until we have to leave.


Ma just parked the car and we got out. Elio runs inside to the ice sculptures and I go after him. "Lio, wait!" I yank his arm. "Don't go running off like that, you could get hurt!"

"But momma's watching me!" Elio smiles at my mom. "She'll protect me!" He squirms out of my grip and my mom picks him up.

I have no idea what has gotten in them, they never act like this. I push through and follow behind them.

"Ma, can I go see the ice castle?" My mom absentmindedly waves me off and says yes. I roll my eyes and run to the ice castle.

When I got there two people were kissing in front of the castle. I instantly recognized the two when they pulled apart.

My father and Charlie's mom.

I scoff, loud enough for my dad to turn to me. "Wait, Viv? Wait-come back!" I run off and he goes after me.

When he reaches me, he grabs my arm. "Let me go, Gordon!" I lull my arm free. "Is that why you like Charlie the best!? So you could cozy up with his mom? Huh!?"


I smack him across the face. "That's for being absent to me-" slap "-that's for being absent for Elio-" slap "-that's for my mom-" slap, slap, slap "-and those are for being a horrible person to me."

Bombay grabs his cheeks. "Damn, you could throw a hit."

"You would've known if you were there."

"No, Viv, don't start that here." Bombay looks around his surroundings.

I cross my arms. "Why not? You don't want people to know you knocked up a girl twice then left her?" I raise my voice as the sentence progresses. Bystanders were staring now.

"Vivienne." Bombay says through gritted teeth.

I stare him dead in the eyes. "You just died for me again." I turn on my heels and walk away from him.

𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼Where stories live. Discover now