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"Dean Buckley, members of the board." My dad says as he walks in. "As counsel for Coach Orion... and freshman hockey team, I'm here today to set your legal options, so that you may make the best possible decision for all parties concerned."

Buckley looks baffled. "Mr. Bombay, this isn't a legal proceeding."

"Ten bucks Bombay gets a board member in under twenty minutes." Banks leans into me.

I think for a moment. "Fifteen for under ten."

"You're on."

I smile at his agreement. "Oh, not yet, but I can assure you that it will be. Do you mind?" He doesn't wait for an answer before passing him his briefcase.

I look over to varsity standing across the room from us. Riley was looking all smug, same with Cole. Scooter has a blank expression as he watches Bombay.

"These scholarships... an offer, became a binding contract upon the signatures of the recipients and acceptance by the Ducks." He goes on, as he walks up and down the room.

Adam stares at the faces of the board members. "I think i might owe you the money."

I whisper as my dad starts talking again. "I always win, Adam Banks." He mumbles something I couldn't hear.

"-Should you decide to pursue their cancellation, I will slap you with an injunction." Bombay stares directly at Buckley. "I will tie this matter up in court for years. Until long after these kids have gone onto college. And I will collect damages. I will win. Because I am very, very, good."

I slightly roll my eyes at the self-boasting and Scooter saw me. He looks down with a smile and comes back up with a straight face.

"You want to know why I'm so good?" Bombay leans into the table. "Because I had a good education. You gave it to me. And you're gonna give it to these kids."

He walks back to the front of the room. I scan the faces of everyone and sigh a bit. Fulton grabs my shoulder and gives me an encouraging smile.

"Now some of you may be snobbish enough to believe that these Ducks don't belong at Eden Hall."

Most of varsity smirks and gives us snobby looks.

"Let me tell you, you are dead wrong." I wasn't expecting him to say that. "These are remarkable young people. You give another full shot and I promise you they will succeed, not only on the ice, but in the classrooms as well. These people are my friends, my family. and I know what they can do."

I shift on my feet to the sudden sentimental feeling across the room. Julie moves forward a bit and Adam side hugs me.

"Accordingly, I demand you reinstate their scholarships, for their benefit..." he looks to us. "And for your own."

He shakes hands with Coach Orion and murmurs were happening. "I say that the scholarships be... reinstated." A woman says.

    "Is there a second?" A man raises his hand. "All in favor?" Buckley asks to the table. Mostly everyone raises their hand. "Scholarships reinstated."

    The Ducks start cheering and whooping. Fulton punches my shoulder and gives a loud cheer.

    I pull down on Adam's tie. "Guess who owes me fifteen bucks."

    "Why can i never win these bets." He laughs and pulls out a twenty. "Keep the change. It's charity." I elbow him.

    I fold the bill in my hand and follow Adam out. "Congratulations... on destroying our school." Riley was telling Charlie.

    "Hey, look, it's our school too." Kenny speaks up.

    Some brunette rolls her eyes. "It's everyone's school, you stupid jock."

    "The fuck you called him, snobby?" I stare at her and Kenny shakes his head.

    Riley points his finger at her. "No, it'll never be your school. Don't you get it? You're our own little affirmative action, brought in for color to entertain us. But you couldn't even do that."

    We all stare at him. "You're right, they bought us in because varsity was sucking, sorry Kenny, straight ass from Eden Hall." I snap at him.

    "Hey, you would've been gone if that fancy lawyer didn't keep you in on a technicality, but you'll never belong."

Cole adds on. "You're nothing more than a bunch of rejects here on a free ride."

    "You guys are the rejects." I look him up and down. "We got to be Team USA, did you?"

    Riley clicks his tongue. "Being Team USA is nothing, it was for a junior game."

    "Kenny, cover your ears." I advise my friend. "Riley, you're such a fucking little bitch ass motherfucker who does nothing but shit on people for no fucking reason. Go get a goddamn fucking life, you little shitty cunt fucker."

    Fulton, Scooter, Averman, Russ, Luis, and Conway laugh. Banks, Julie, Guy, Dwayne, and Goldie smiles a bit. Varsity and Connie look appalled and Kenny was staring at the floor with his ears still plugged.

    I tap him on the shoulder to let him know he could drop his hands now. "Friday is the JV/Varsity game." Riley glares at us. "Then we'll show the whole school what a joke you really are. Then maybe you'll leave on your own. It'll be... the only honorable thing to do."

    "You know we're gonna hurt you." Cole smirks and I roll my eyes.

    Conway scoffs. "Listen, you guys had an unfair advantage last time. You had two of us: Banksie and Astor."

    Riley drifts his eyes to me and Banks. "Well, keep them. They never had the heart of a Warrior anyways."

    "Hey, Biff, one more thing." Russ looks smug. "After we beat you, the Warriors die and the Ducks fly."

    Riley looks to him. "Hey, anything you say, loser. Hmm?" He walks away with Varsity and his girlfriend, Mindy.

    Averman speaks up once they walked away. "Great move, Russ. Make 'em even madder." He turns to Conway. "Charlie, we gotta do something, man."

    "Yeah, you're right." Charlie turns. "We've gotta get to work."

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