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    I go out the lockers, yawning as we do a warmup circle on the ice. After we disperse, i go up to my favorites.

    "I didn't mean for that to happen to you guys." I stop in front of them. "Honest."

Guy cross his arms. "You still left with them." He skates off.

"I think varsity pressured you into it, Vivi." Connie confesses. "I don't believe you would do that willingly."

Okay, i feel bad now. But I'm definitely not saying i did that willingly.

"It's okay, Bash Babe." Fulton uses my nickname from the Junior Goodwill Games. He smiles.

Kenny nods. "We still love you, Renny." He hugs me before Charlie yells at them to come over. "Bye."

    I go over to Banks. "Hey, you good?"

    He glances at me. "Charlie doesn't believe me."

    "Okay... are we good?"

    "Why should we be?"

    "Look, you've been my best friend since we were seven and I'm sorry alright." I tell him. "Come on, Adam. You know you can't hold a grudge."

He stops skating and cracks a small smile. "Especially not to you." He hits my shoulder as Riley and Conway go take the face off.

    Riley gets it and flips Conway over. It was quite funny, I do have to admit. Dwayne tries blocking me from going to Riley. "Sorry, little lady."

    "Sorry, little cowboy." I didn't actually mean it. I bump him down to the ice as Rick made in the goal.

    The game goes on similarly to what just happened. Except on one play, it goes all wrong.

Conway had won the puck. He's skating in varsity's territory. I was going to hook and steal, but Luis hooks me first and I fall. Adam saw and helps me up.

    "You good, V?" He lifts me up.

    I regain my balance. "Thanks, Banksie." We went back to the game.

    "Get him, Banks!" Riley yells to Adam. As in get Conway and steal the puck. Adam went towards him whilst I went towards Riley.

    Riley pushes Guy and vice versa. I have to help Riley in this. I go full speed and throw Guy to the ice. I look down and give him a sad look.

He looks back up, hurt and angry. As soon as he was going to come and get me, there was another altercation happening.

    "Damn it, Banks!" I hear Conway shout. I turn to see him tackle Adam.

    "Get off me, Charlie!" Adam yells and I skate over there to defend him. "Nice take down, you'll be in the box!" Adam says to Conway as he stands up.

    Charlie shoves him. "Oh, yeah? Go cry to your rich parents!" The two begin to fight.

    As I was separating them, Conway smacks me across the face. "Viv!" Adam calls out.

    Charlie freezes and looks at me.

    Adam and I stare at him, before I lunge. I start to fight Conway on the ice and he was doing it back. Both to me and Adam. I feel multiple pairs of hands trying to pull me away. We all kept fighting.

Oh how i've been wanting to throw hands with Charlie.

    I hear a whistle blowing and look up to see Coach Orion. He blows it again and the lights get turned on.

    "Break it up now, hey! It's a damn good thing I'm not your coach, now get your team out of here now! Varsity team, out let's go!" He shoes them out. Then sees Charlie and myself still fighting. "Somebody get them!"

I feel a pairs of arms pull me up and it was both Kenny and Connie. Fulton got Charlie. "See you on the ice, Conway. Too bad I didn't kick your ass hard enough." I shrug off the two kids hands.

Conway looks back. "I told that traitor to cry to his rich parents and I would say the same for you, but you don't have two parents."

I stare at him and turn slightly before giving him a knuckle sandwich. His head smacks to the side and I smirk. "You're such a little bitch." There was blood in the corner of his mouth

"Get the hell out, Astor." Orion tells me. "Lucky I ain't your coach." He yells out as I skate off.

I see Banks and Scooter waiting for me in the hall. The rest of varsity was walking down to the lockers.

"You good, Ren?" Scooter pulls off my helmet and looks at my face. "Oh, just a scratch, you'll be fine."

I turn to Banks. "I swear he brings that up, I'm throwing hands. I don't care if I get benched."

"Got it." He says before grabbing both mine and Scoots shoulder. "Now let's get out of here before crazy coach comes out."

Scooter nods his head in agreement. "Agreed."


    I got home and I was surprised to see a car in the driveway. I go up the porch and into the house.

    "Vivi!" Elio comes running from the kitchen and hugs me. "We got home early!"

    I hug him back. "I see that. Where's ma?"

    "Ta-da!" She appears with a cake in her hand. "For my lovely daughter and firstborn."

    The cake seems homemade and it smells really good. "What's it for?"

    "I can't make a cake for my child?"

    I give her a look. "Ma, you don't just do things out of no where." I give her another look as she smiles back at me.

    "New year, new me!" She was being way too cheerful. "Elio, go wash up and I'll give you a slice. Okay, pumpkin?"

    Elio runs off to the bathrooms. "Ma, are you okay?" I ask, taking the cake from her hands. "You need me to call Mr. Imparis?" Mr. Imparis was the caseworker.

    "Wow, Renèe." My mom clicks her tongue. Her hair looks greasy the more i stare at it and her eyes were darker. "I can't do something nice without getting questioned that I'm on drugs?"

    I put the cake down on the dresser thing we have in the foyer. "You're normally a heinous bitch, ma."

    "You aren't better yourself, sweetie." She reminds me. "Where do you think you get it from? Gordon?"

    Elio comes back with a large grin in his face. "Im ready for cake!"

    My mon switches the topic and we had a silent agreement to stop talking about that.

    But I have a feeling that something's wrong, she just isn't telling me.

𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼Where stories live. Discover now