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We lost to the Cardinals, 4-1. And Riley was going apeshit in the lockers. He smacks his hand into his locker, startling us.

"4-1? 4-1!" He smacks it again. "We should have gotten that 4, not the damn Cardinals!"

Scooter goes up to him. "Hey, calm down." He tells his best friend. "We were just tired."

"Tired of all this bull." I whisper under my breath as i take off my skates.

Scooter heard me and turns around, a small smile on his face. "Those Ducky's shouldn't have gotten us tired. They definitely won't with that Bash Bro and Captain Ducky gone."

"What?" Me and Adam look at him. "What you mean they're gone?"

    Riley looks back at us. "I mean gone. As in off the team gone." He rolls his eyes and smirks a bit. "Their coach kicked them off for dwelling on the past, or that's what Coach said."

"Oh." I definitely knew Conway would get kicked off because of that, I never thought Fulton would.


"Renée, cancel your plans." My mom shouts up at me. "We have things to do later."

    I slightly scoff. "What, no." I tell her. "We've been planning this  I can't cancel!"

    "I'm asking nicely, sweetheart." She tells me quietly. "Now go call Adam and that other boy that you're canceling."

    I walk past her to the door. "I'm not bowing down to your every need. You always do this, ma."

    "Vivienne Renée Astor Bombay, if you step a foot out of this house, you're going to face the consequences."

   I stop for a moment. She never added Gordon's name when addressing me. I turn to look at her and saw Elio was in the staircase behind her, holding an elderly Muffins.

    "I'll suffer the consequences." I slam the door on my out.


    It was nighttime and I was walking with Scooter. He decided to stay at his house tonight and we had already dropped off Banks at his house.

    We were laughing as we reached my house. The lights were all turned off, except for the kitchen.

    "Want a glass of water or something?" I offer him. "I didn't see you drink anything at the fair."

    Scooter shakes his head. "I'll just get some at my house."

    "I insist." I pull him up the porch and unlock the door. The house was quiet, other than Elio watching re-runs of Schoolhouse Rock! on the couch.

    I take scooter to the kitchen for a water glass. "No shoes, Vivi." Elio calls out.

    "Not my parent." I call back, pouring the water for Scoots. "Speaking of parent, where's ma?"

    Elio doesn't answer for a moment. "Her room, I think. She hasn't came out since you left." He chews on chips.

    "I'll go check on her." I turn to Scooter. "And I'll get you those cassettes. Wait right here."

    I leave and go up the stairs to my room first. I rummage through a bin of cassettes before finding the ones i needed.

    I then go to my mom's room. Her room is dark and I couldn't see nothing. I find the light switch and see her sitting on the floor, propped up against her bed.

    Her head was down and her blonde hair was covering her face. I take a step forward. "Ma, I'm home." No answer. "Ma?" I take another one. "Hey, you good?"

    I poke her with the cassette and she doesn't react. That's when I notice what's in her arm.

A needle.

    I stumble back before going on my knees. I drop the cassettes and they clatter on the floor. "Mom... you said you weren't on any." My voice cracks. "You said you weren't on any!"

    I toss the cassettes against the wall. "Ren, you okay?" I hear Scooter ask and footsteps.

    "Mom!" I scream at her motionless body. "You promised! You fucking promised." I feel the tears coming down my face.

    I hear Scooter's footsteps stop behind me. "Is she okay..?"

    "Help me up." My voice cracks more as Scooter does what he's asked. I run down the stairs. "Elio, go to Mrs. Blogs."

    Elio whines. "I don't want to!"

    I feel more tears coming down my face. "I don't give a flying fuck! Get your ass down to her house, now!"

    "Damn, alright!" He yells back and throws on his shoes before slamming the door.

    I call and let Mrs. Blogs know the situation and for how Elio is going over.

    "This might be horrible timing, but is your mom dead upstairs?" Scooter sounds hysteric.

    I cry hard and fall to the floor. Scooter rushes down and wraps his arms around me. I cry into him. "She promised she stopped." I cry.

    "Shh, it's okay." He whispers to me. "I'm going to call 911, okay? Shh, stay right here." He gets up and Muffins runs to me.

    I cry even more. "Muffins..." i whisper and hug my cat tight.

    "Yes, hi." Scooter says on the phone. "I would like to report a death. Uh, 625 North Nicolette Drive. Okay, lady what do you not understand? There's a dead body, hurry the hell up! No, I can't stay on the phone, I'm comforting the daughter. Get here fast."

He hangs up and goes back to me.


The coroner and police have just left. "You'll get the autopsy report in the mail, 2-5 business days, ma'am." An officer tells me.

I stare blankly at the cold hard ground. "Uh huh."

"Now tell me, is there somewhere you can go for the night? Or anybody that can come watch you as you are only 14 years of age?" I mindlessly nod. "Okay, we'll contact you soon." He walks away.

    Scooter side hugs me as the neighbors stare at all the police cars and ambulances in front of my house.

    He takes me inside and places me onto the couch. "I'm going to get you a water." He walks off to the kitchen and i go upstairs. "Ren?"

    I go in my room with Muffins and lock the door. Scooter tried coming in but to no avail. "Go home, Scott."

    "Renny, I don't think you should b-"

    I cut him off. "Go. Home." I hear nothing for a moment before a faint 'goodbye' and retreating footsteps.

    I sit there and cry myself to sleep, thinking about how my last conversation with my mom was an argument.

𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼Where stories live. Discover now