Chapter twenty three~

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I decide to make u chapters longer!, Ill try to do with all the other chapter I make! Okay don't be alarmed of the photo change, i did it because I saw someone else had the same photo in the top 75 on genre romance so don't get scared its all the same story! Just different photo! Okay !!!

I love you guys so much!!


This is Beautiful!!!! It was a cute little picnic bench with a red table cloth and some candles on it and candles all over the place, beautiful lights, and a soft music started to play, and roses following to the table. I wasn't dressed proper but he wasn't either.

He held his hand out leading me to him as he lead us to the table. Some friends came out of the woods around a an set plates and food on the table.

Me and Romeo staring to one another I smiled as I said "happy one month babe" he say "this had been planed for a while, it's just so many things that's bad came up so I though you deserved something special" I say "you didn't have to" he says "I kinda did, I owe you a lot with so many shit you had I go through cause of me" a frown upon my face appeared as I held his hands in mine and said "'s not your fault" he then looks down and says "it is, and I'm sorry" I say breaking this argument that's about to happen "babe, lets not fight on such a beautiful day".

We talked and .ate throughout the time we had together, it was real sweet of him to plan all this out. It was now 7pm after lunch I helped him take everything to the turn of his car then we went to the park and played a bit, we acted as if we were children but yet we don't look anything like children we were children at heart.

We went to my house and as we arrived he led me to my room bridal style. We giggled our way to their. As we arrived I say "you carrying me so much, you can loose 5 pounds in a week" we both laughed.

We checked the time and it's only 8pm the party doesn't start in a couple hours and mom doesn't get home in an hour or two.

Romeo says "lets have a bubble bath babe" I say "but-but-but ill be naked" he gives out giggle and then came close and held my hand an said "I'll make sure there's bubbles so I won't see" I gave out a smile and nodded.

While he was fixing up the bubble bath I went and fixed my room, it was a mess.

As I finished the water stopped running so it's all fixed up.

He yells my name across the room "Juliet, come in in!". I walk toward the bathroom grabbing some clothes and a couple towels. As I walk in he says "I'll turn around as you get in, then we switch" it was cute how We still don't show naked face to face, maybe it's cause we still are innocent. I quickly took my clothes off and set them to the floor and jumped in the bath tub covering my body, ten I closed my eyes as he got undress and hopped in as well.

It's a great thing I have a big bath tub it's almost big as a hot tub, I got it for my 15th birthday as a present, it's just I love spending time relaxing in hot water.

We sit next to each other our ham intwined, then he blows bubble on me and I fight back by splashing him until it became a splash fight. We made a huge mess after 15 minutes of playing around.

I quickly got a towel and wrapped it around me fast enough for him not to see anything, as I turned as he got his towel. We both got a bunch of towels and tags and cleaned up the mess we made.

As the bathroom was all fixed up he put on some clothes he brung in a duffel bag. I got some clothes in as well, they where casual clothes.


It was now 11pm as time went by, we just laid talking about each others life we seemed to have a bond one another through time goes by. Mom came home around 9pm then she went on a date with Mark, he was a real sweet guy he would call me on my cell which my mom gave m number to him and he would ask me how's my day, or how'd I've been, he would call mom every so often they're just real cute.

It was only and hour till the party, I applied a bit of make up and straightened my hair, and I helped Romeo add gel to his hair where I narrowed from Masons old room.

We where ready and heading to Haley's house to pick her up. She says that the party was a 15 minute drive, so we decided to sleep there, I told my mom I'm sleeping over at Haley's house and Romeo made a somewhat excuse to his mom.

I like the new me, even though it's different I like it, I feel free, I feel as If I'm out f a closet. My innocent image finally rubbed off.

But at the same time I wonder, what if I never met Romeo, what if I decide to be the same boring me, would have life turned a different way?. Anyways it's time to live as if ill die tomorrow.

We picked up Haley as she hopped at the back seat, she says "can we pick two other people up?" I ask "who?"

She says "friends, their new kids at this town and thought ill invite them" I say "sounds like a good idea, where do they live?" She pointed out the addresses of their houses they were fairly close to we're we were going I was a girl and a guy, they where cousins.

I waved hello as they climbed in the car. We blasted music singing along like idiots as we drove to our destination.

Until we finally reached our destination and we all hopped out and walked in the house. The house was fairly big, when we walked in you can smell the alcohol and joints being passed around as well as the moist from people dancing everywhere.

The house had 3 floors, the first was for people who was smoking the second was the drunk people and the third was more like a chill place, more like where everyone was locking up with everyone else.

Me and Romeo kept a distance near each other. After an hour of lightly drinking me an Romeo went to a quiet room to rest our ears from the blasting music.

Our eyes eyes connect laying on the bed, I doze off into a sleep. I don't about Romeo.

I woke up and it was morning Romeo wasn't next to me....

I walk out checking it he's somewhere close. As I walk out I see him locked up with a kinky white chick, what the fuck. Again. I slam the door close and fall to the ground in tears.

Foot steps came close as a slam on the door "Juliet, I'm sorry...I'm drunk and I didn't mean to". How can he do this, I trust him with everything, he tells me not to drink without him and he gets up and drinks his ass off then kisses another girl.

Why is he doing this, why to me, I thought h' loved me, cared for me. My sobs becoming louder every so often, he's still on the door knocking, now slamming it for me to open up. no. No. No.

I suck up my tears, and whisper to myself he wants to play that game, ill show him how it's played.


#75 guys I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for everything!!!!

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I love you guys!!!!! And I'll be able to update fast"r now since my quarter just ended and I'm all work free(:.

I love it when you guys comment!

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