Chapter twenty six~

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I walk down so I could prepare dinner for the 5 of us, I wish Mason could be here but he's gotta get educated.

I walk down then I sat next to Samantha and asked the 4 if them "what do you guys want for dinner?" Samantha says "something with chicken!" Then Greg yells "something spicy!" My mom says "what about a curry?" I nodded and asked "do we have all the ingredients or should I go by the grocery?" Mom says "go by the store, get a ride from Romeo and invite his family to eat dinner with us" I nodded and smiled as mom gave me 100$ for the store.

I head to Romeos house, I knocked and no answer. I waited 2 minutes yet still no answer so I knocked again and Romeos mom opened up "hi sweetie" "Hi Mam may I ask wheres Romeo?" "Up stares sweetie, come in". I walked in heading to his room.

When I walked in he was knocked out on the bed, I don't want to wake him up I can tell he's tired from the ride here so I went back down stares.

I went to Romeos Mom and dad and said "mam, sure do you guys want to eat dinner with y family tonight I'm cooking Curry!" They both smiled then Romeos dad says "sounds great sweet heart we'll all be over in 2 hours" I smiled as I left the house and walked I the store to buy the supplies.

I know mom said to get a ride but I don't want to wake him and the store is only 10 blocks away.

I walked there and when I arrived I bought the stuff I needed

To make the food and some extra things for my self I had 30$ left over and I held it in my pocket. So I start heading back home to start cooking soon as possible and I swear I saw Rick but I wasn't sure if bit was him, so I just kept walking home.

When I arrived I quickly got things set up and started cooking, Samantha and Greg helped me cook something's as well, Greg cooked the rice that would go great with the curry.

When we finished Greg and Samantha set the table out as I brung the rice and curry to the table.

We heard our door bell go off, I went and opened the door it was Romeo and his parents. We invited them in as we all sat on the dining table.

We all ate, me and Romeo next to each other, Samantha and Greg across from us, and our parents on the sides it was like a bit of family dinner. It was nice how we all talked to one another about something.

After dinner Me and Samantha went to my room, Romeos parents headed home, Romeo and Greg played video games down stairs, and my mom and Mark went to laser tag for a late night date.

It was only 10pm.

When we reached my room Samantha quickly shut the door behind her and said "Juliet can I have some girl to girl talk?" I smiled and said "of course love" she smiles "well, how are you and Romeo?" "Our life is like a roller coaster but we get through things together" "have you guys?....done it?" "That's for me to know and for you to find out" "okay okay, Juliet I think this guy is cute he moved two blocks away from here, what should I do?" "Well, start talking to him!, maybe ill come over with you some day!"

"How did you and Romeo meet?" "Well, he moved next door and snuck in my room in the middle of the night" she gasps "Oh My Gosh really! How romantic" we both burst out laughing.

Me and Samantha watched some TV then a couple minutes later we heard foot steps going up the stares and soon the boys came in jumping at us, and me and Samantha threw pillows at them and that ended up with a small pillow fight.

It was now 11:00 and mom and Mark had come home, and Mark picked up Greg and Samantha and they headed home, and mom slept right away since she has work 9am tomorrow, and I went to my room reading a new book called "Happy Endings" it's about this girl who wished her life was like a movie with happy endings.

It was now 11:55 pm and I just remembered I'm suppose to meet up with this mystery person in 5 minutes. I grabbed a jacket and jogged to the park, I sat a bench.

No one seemed to be there, 12:03 and no ones there still, is this a joke?. I hear rustling through the woods and I see Noah, is he the one who's suppose to be meeting with me?. What?. Isn't he suppose to be in Canada?.

He started towards me and said "hey Juliet, you saw the note" I say "yeah, I wouldn't have expected it to be you" "yeah, well all I wanted to say is I hope your not mad at me" "I'm not Noah, I'm thankful" "that's good, anyways I moved here" "since when!" "About a week ago, it was Rick and Ricky's idea it's just we didn't really have any friends up at Canada besides each other" "but thats great your here!, I'm so happy for you guys!, where do you guys live?" "We live two blocks away from you" "that's great Noah".

More rustling in the woods and it was Rick and Ricky I say in excitement "nice to see you guys!" They both smiled then said in unison "hey Juliet!" We all gave out a laugh, then Noah says "do you know if there's any parties tonight?, we wanted to experience one here" "sure, ill call Romeo and we'll all head to one".

I call Romeo.





Romeo:"hey Juliet"

Me:"Hey Romeo, Rick, Ricky, and Noah moved here a couple days ago-"

Romeo:"I know Juliet, they've told me"

Me:"oh okay, well They wanted to go to a party tonight think we could go to one?, lets go to Adams he always have parties every night"

Romeo:" okay, where are you ill pick you guys up"

Me:"at the park, are you okay Romeo?"


He hung up.

Romeos P.O.V

Just got out the shower and my parents call me down stairs, My dad said looking all serious "Romeo, school starts in 3 weeks can I trust you to be responsible?" "Yes dad I will" "Romeo, Juliet trusts you an loves you, you know that right" "Dad just because I've made some stupid choices with girls before doesn't mean I'll make them again" my dad raises his voice "Romeo, you got a girl preg-" "Dad!, it was an accident, and I told her if she wanted she could keep the baby but she got an abortion and moved 5,000 miles away from me" "Romeo.....".

I can't believe my dad, I ran upstairs to my room and held my head under a pillow listening to music. It was an accident, I was just stupid and young....I don't want to be reminded Of this no no no.

My phone rang, it was Juliet I've just notice my music had been blasting for an hour....

I answer "hey Juliet" and our conversation went on. They wanted me to go to a party, I guess I'll go to keep Juliet safe.

I headed out my window to my car to pick up Juliet, Noah, Rick, and Ricky.


What shall happen next?, what will happen at the party? Don't Drop to conclusion!!

Thanks for all the support loves! And if there's any DIRECTIONERS out there read my fanfic Afraid to love! I'm absolute with you that's it will be good(:.

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Next week is my spring break! So ill be updating at least 3 times next week!!!

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