Chapter two~

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It was around 10:30pm now so Haley should be out my window. I look out and I spotted her right away she smiles and waves hello then gestures her hands for me to come to her.

I smiled and hopped out my window with my phone in my back pocket. I wore some shorts and a loose tank top, during summer nights usually stays hot and humid.

When I came face to face with Haley I say "I can't believe I'm doing this" she just says "I love you too".

We hop into her car since she's 16 now and I'm not turning 16 till 2 months from now. I stayed quiet until she started driving carefully away from my parents house. I regret going now that I'm with her.

We arrive at this house which looks very calm on the outside but as soon as we walked in the music was loud and people were dancing and drinks are getting past around, sound proof walls great.

God people looks so desperate, people making out on the floor. I really never been to a party this wild, like just wow.

Someone hands me a can of Pepsi it was already opened for me and I just drank it. Haley started drinking shots with all these other people they look quiet older then myself.

An hour or two after the party I started getting dizzy, why?. I didn't drink, all I drank was Pepsi. I walk over to Haley and said "lets go home" it was now 1 in the morning and I was still dizzy. I was sitting on the couch trying to concentrate in what exactly is happening good thing Haley has now let the liquor go through and isn't drunk no more so I came up to her once again and said "lets go home" she says "yeah, lets go this party just got boring" while we were in the car she asks "well, did you drink?" I say Pepsi only but I did get dizzy" she says "was the can open when they gave it to you?".

I say "yeah, why?" She says "don't freak out but someone must of put a hard drink in the Pepsi, you shouldn't let people give you already opened drinks" I say "oh, that's why the drink tasted weird I feel so stupid" "it's alright just make sure you don't let that happen again".

I say "yeah, It won't happen again" she just nods as we arrived my house. She parked where no one could see me come in. I hopped in my room and fell asleep .


A Knock on the door, I wonder who. I rubbed my eyes and stretched I look to the clock 2pm. I over slept way too much. I stood up and opened the door. My mom comes in my room asking "it's quiet late, what have you been doing all night?" I say "I finished my book, I just couldn't stop reading" I lied. I hate lying to mom. She says "there's new people who moved over next door you should stop by and say hi" I say "yeah, I'll stop by later".


Sorry for the short chapter, but don't forget to comment/vote/etc. also I want some ideas for a twist for this stories so come some ideas(:.

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