Chapter 15

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3rd POV

What's going on in Yuki's mind? Being an athlete is harder than it seems, from an outside perspective looking in they might think it's not that hard, but it's more than being physically good, you need to be also mentally tough. Yuki never thought that he will meet Michi, he just came back from Italy to join the national team and he was appointed as the captain for the upcoming Olympics.
it was honestly him just talking a breathing strolling around the city went inside that gymnasium and saw Michi for the first time, she really caught his eyes. He never had an ideal type of a girl because it never cam across his mind, but when he saw michi she instantly became his type.

Flashback when he was texting Michi before the Games

Yuki sat on the couch, his phone in hand, staring intently at the screen. His fingers hovered over the keyboard, hesitating before typing another message. He had been texting Michi for the past few days, and every time he received a reply, he couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach.

Ran walked into the living room, her eyes immediately catching the sight of his senpai flustered expression. he grinned, knowing exactly what was going on. He had seen this look on Yuki's face before.

"Yuki-kun," Ran said, her voice dripping with playful teasing, "are you texting Michi again?"

Yuki's head snapped up, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "N-No, I'm just... checking something."

Ran laughed and plopped down next to him. "Sure, you are. Let me see what 'something' you're checking."

Before Yuki could react, Ran snatched the phone from his hand. he quickly scanned the screen, her grin widening. "Oh, look at that! It's Michi! What a surprise!"

Yuki groaned and tried to grab his phone back, but Ran held it out of his reach. "Come on, Ran, give it back!"

"Not until you admit it," she said, her tone still teasing. "You like her, don't you?"

Yuki sighed, realizing there was no way out of this. "too early to tell but she definitely left an impression, Happy now?"

Ran handed his phone back, a satisfied smile on her face. "Very. But when you got your feeling sorted out just be clear, you don't want to lead her on"

Yuki looked at his phone, reading over Michi's last message. His heart raced as he thought about what Ran said. Maybe she was right. Maybe it was time to be honest with Michi.

"Thanks, Ran," he said softly. "I'll think about it."

Ran patted his back. "Good luck, Yuki-kun. Just be yourself, and everything will be fine."

As Ran left the room, Yuki took a deep breath and started typing a new message to Michi, hoping that this time, he could find the courage to express how he really felt.

End of flashback

I guess you can say the Yuki has feelings for michi but he doesn't noticed it yet, But Olympics came. Being the captain of the Japan's Olympic national team was a lot of pressure and it was his first Olympics tournament, At first taking to michi after matches was giving him strength but It got to his head

Flashback: Takeshi: (seriously) "I get that, but you need to focus. This is a big game. We can't afford any distractions."

Before the last match

As the captain of Japan's Olympic national volleyball team, he felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on his shoulders. Every game was a new challenge, every point a step closer to their goal.

After each match, Yuki found solace in talking to Michi. Her messages were like a balm to his anxiety, a reminder of home and normalcy.

One evening, after a particularly grueling match, Yuki sat in the team's lounge, staring at his phone. His fingers itched to text Michi, to share his thoughts and feelings. But before he could type a word, Takeshi, one of his teammates and a veteran of the sport, approached him with a serious expression.

"Yuki," Takeshi said, his tone firm but not unkind, "we need to talk."

Yuki looked up, his heart sinking slightly. He knew what was coming. "What is it, Takeshi?"

Takeshi sat down beside him, his gaze steady. "I get that talking to Michi gives you strength and you have an interest I her, but you need to focus. This is a big game. We can't afford any distractions."

Yuki sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Takeshi. It's just... she helps me keep my head straight."

"I understand that," Takeshi said, "but right now, the team needs your full attention. We need our captain to be present, not lost in his thoughts."

Yuki nodded, feeling the weight of Takeshi's words. "You're right. I need to be here, for all of us."

Takeshi clapped him on the back. "That's the spirit. We believe in you, Yuki. Just stay focused and we'll get through this together."

As Takeshi walked away, Yuki took a deep breath and put his phone away. He knew he had to find a balance between his feelings for Michi and his responsibilities as the team captain. It was a difficult line to walk, but for the sake of his team and their Olympic dreams, he was determined to do his best.


Back to the present

Yuki stopped responding to her texts. Each notification felt like a small dagger of guilt, but he ignored them, burying himself in training and preparation for the next season. He needed to prove to himself and to everyone else that he could lead his team to victory, that he could overcome the disappointment of the Olympics.


Yuki stood at the entrance of his family's home, his bags packed and ready for his return to Italy. His family gathered around him, offering their support and encouragement.

"Take care, Yuki," his mother said, hugging him tightly. "We're so proud of you, no matter what."

"Thanks, Mom," Yuki replied, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "I'll make you all proud."

His father clapped him on the back, a firm but gentle gesture. "Remember, son, it's not about the victories or the losses. It's about the effort you put in and the heart you show."

"I know, Dad," Yuki said, nodding. "I'll give it my all."

Mayu, his younger sister, stepped forward, her eyes searching his face. "Yuki, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Mayu," Yuki said, bending down slightly to meet her gaze.

"Are you still going to ghost Michi?" Mayu's voice was quiet, but the concern in her eyes was clear.

Yuki hesitated, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. "I... I need to focus on volleyball right now, Mayu. I can't afford any distractions."

"But Yuki," Mayu said, her voice trembling, "she's your friend. She's been there for you. You can't just ignore her forever."


HI👋 some of you may not like my decision on yuki and michi not hitting it off, but looking back when yuki is actually 25 , tho he already achieved a lot but  you can see he's so focus only on volleyball even residing in italy for volleyball (how to be mikasa) and the height of his career was just getting started, from an outside perspective looking in I think he's not ready for anything beside improving in ball especially it was his Olympics debut and being a captain, So ALOT OF PRESSURE.

Anyways normally when uploading I have the next 2-3 chapters ready or in drafts, but now I have none. Give me 2 or 3 days max for the next season.

Michi will face a new path in her life and MAYBE a new person? Will she hate yuki or not?

Guess you have to wait :>


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