Chapter 10

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Time skip

Sitting in a cozy corner of the café, Michi and Yuki continued their conversation. They talked about everything from their favorite movies to their childhood memories.

"So, what's your favorite movie?" Yuki asked, sipping his coffee.

"Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd have to say, 'Spirited Away or any Marvel movie'. I love the animation and the story," Michi replied.

"Good choice. I'm more of a 'Your Name' fan myself," Yuki said. "Maybe we could have a movie night sometime and watch them together?"

Michi felt her cheeks warm up at his compliment. "Careful, Yuki. I might start to think you're flirting with me."

"Who says I'm not?" Yuki shot back, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

They laughed, "I can't believe the YUKI ISHIKAWA knows how to flirt" Michi said, feeling a flutter in her stomach. She looked into Yuki's eyes and saw the same spark she felt.

"What can I say, youll learn a thing or two when you stay too long in italy" Yuki says then drinking his coffee

"Speaking of italy, what does it feel like play there" michi asked, "Well at first it's hard with the language barrier and stuff but when time passes you'll adjust and now I might say I'm pretty fluent in italian" yuki explained

"davvero, Yuki? sei davvero così fluente?" Michi looked at him seriously
Translate: Really, Yuki? are you really that fluent?

Yuki's eyes widened and answered back "Aspetta, puoi parlare italiano!?"
Translated: Wait you can speak italian!?

Michi chuckled and said "Sì, l'ho preso da piccolo, per fortuna non l'ho ancora dimenticato"
Translate: Yes, I picked it up when I was little luckily I havent forgotten it yet

"hai un buon accento, ricorda il pianoforte a me o al mio amico, sembri uno del posto" yuki replied
Translate: you have a good accent, it reminds me or my friend piano, you sound like a local

"perché grazie Yuki" michi smiled

" I guess you won't have a hard time when you visit italy then?" Yuki
"I only visited there handful of times, but I'm not really familiar with the place yet. Since you live there you can be my personal tour guide" michi said and winking at him.

" I would love to" yuki said and genuinely smiled at michi feeling their bond getting stronger.

After a few hours, they decided to call it a day and head to a nearby café.


After a wonderful evening at the cafe, Yuki and Michi strolled back towards her place. The night was cool, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves and the soft sound of waves in the distance. They walked close together, their hands brushing occasionally, sharing a comfortable silence.

As they reached Michi's doorstep, Yuki turned to her, his expression a mix of warmth and sadness. "I guess this is it for a while, huh? The Olympics are just around the corner, and we both have a lot of work to do."

Michi nodded, feeling a pang in her heart. "Yeah, it's going to be intense. But I'm glad we had this time together, Yuki. You've been amazing."

Yuki smiled, taking her hands in his. "You've been amazing yourself, Michi. When our schedules are free, let's watch that movie together," she replied. "Sure!"

They stood there for a moment, neither wanting to say goodbye. Finally, Yuki spoke, his voice soft and sincere. "I know we're both going to be busy, but let's stay in touch as much as we can. Text me whenever you can, okay?"

Michi squeezed his hands. "Of course. And you do the same. I'll need all the encouragement and volleyball tips I can get."

Yuki chuckled, "I'm starting to think you're just using me for volleyball tips."

She replied, then winked, "Who says I'm not?"

They laughed, then Yuki pulled her into a gentle hug.

As they pulled away, Yuki leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, a gesture filled with tenderness and care. "Take care of yourself. And give it your all out there."

Michi smiled up at him, feeling tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. "You too, Yuki. I'll be cheering for you."

With one last smile, Yuki turned and walked away glancing back "Hey if you dont mind, can you meet me before our tournament start?" Michi nodded agreeing to his request and yuki understood before disappearing down the street.

Michi watched him go, her heart full of mixed emotions—sadness at the parting but also excitement and determination for the challenges ahead.

She stood there for a few moments longer, letting the night air cool against her skin, before finally turning and heading inside. As she closed the door behind her, Michi knew that no matter what the future held, she and Yuki would always have this special connection, and she looked forward to the day they could see each other again.


very short chapter , just a filler one about the advances in the relationship of Michi and Yuki :)

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