Chapter 24

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After the match
the excitement in the arena was still palpable. Piano, brimming with pride and enthusiasm, extended an invitation to his teammates.

"Hey, everyone! I want to invite you all backstage to meet the team. My sister and her teammates would love to meet you. It's a great way to celebrate after an amazing game!"

The team eagerly accepted the invitation, their spirits high from the thrilling match. The backstage area was lively, filled with celebratory chatter and the afterglow of a hard-fought game. As the team entered the backstage area, the excitement of the match still hung in the air. Yuki's eyes scanned the room, eager to find Michi and catch up with her after the game.

Piano led the group through the bustling backstage, introducing his teammates to the opposing players. Yuki's focus was on finding Michi, and he found himself drifting away from the conversation as he searched.

Piano led the way and introduced his sister to his teammates. "Everyone, this is Lucia, my sister. She played an incredible game tonight." While giving her a side hug

Lucia smiled warmly and extended her hand to shake hands with each of Michi's teammates. "It's great to meet you all. Thanks for coming to support us."

Yuki's POV

When he finally spotted Michi, his heart sank. She was engaged in a lively conversation with a man. The way Michi and the man interacted seemed warm and friendly, with a sense of familiarity that Yuki couldn't ignore.

Yuki watched from a distance, feeling a pang of jealousy and disappointment. His mind raced with questions and emotions.

Who is that guy? Why does it bother me so much to see Michi with him?

He tried to push away these feelings and refocus on the positive aspects of the evening, but the sight of Michi enjoying the company of someone else weighed heavily on him. He felt a mix of sadness and confusion, his heart aching as he observed the scene.

Piano, noticing Yuki's distraction, came over and gently nudged him. "Hey, Yuki, everything okay? You look a bit out of it."

Yuki forced a smile, trying to mask his discomfort. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... caught up in the moment, I guess."

Piano nodded, seeming to accept Yuki's response. "If you want, I can introduce you to some of the other players. It's a great opportunity to network and enjoy the evening."

Piano said, catching his attention. "I want you to meet someone. This is Lucia, my sister, and she's a huge fan of yours."

Yuki looked over and saw Lucia approaching with a warm smile. Her excitement was evident as she extended her hand towards Yuki. "Hi, Yuki! It's so great to finally meet you. I've been following your games for a while now. You're an amazing player!"

Yuki, a bit taken aback but pleased, shook her hand with a smile. "Hi, Lucia. It's really nice to meet you. Thanks for the kind words. I've heard a lot about you from Piano."

Lucia's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Really? That's awesome to hear. I was so excited to see you play today. It was a fantastic match, if you dont mind can I have an autograph?"

Piano, seeing the interaction, added with a grin, "Lucia's been a big supporter of yours for quite some time. She's followed your career and always talks about how impressive you are on the court. i might get jealous pino she looks up to you more then her own brother"

Yuki appreciated the compliment and felt a sense of warmth from Lucia's genuine admiration. "I dont mind, That means a lot to me. Thanks for your support. " then giving a paper with his signature

Lucia, still excited, continued, "I've always admired how you play with such intensity and skill. It's inspiring to see someone perform at such a high level."

Lucia's enthusiasm seemed boundless. She mentioned, "You know, Yuki, I have a best friend who's an outside hitter like you. She's also Japanese and plays here in Italy. She also played you the Nayional Team, Let me introduce you to her." She said excitedly

Yuki's heart skipped a beat at the mention. He had been trying to process his feelings about her since seeing her earlier, and now the opportunity to reconnect with her seemed to be unfolding in front of him.

Lucia spotted Michi chatting with Alessandro, who had been trying to make moves on her throughout the evening. She waved over to Michi, calling out, "Michi! Later with the lovey dovey, Come over here for a moment. I want you to meet someone."

Michi looked up from her conversation with Alessandro and walked over to Lucia and Yuki, her expression curious. "What's up, Lucia? I aint having a lovey dovey" while crossing her arms

Lucia turned to Yuki with a bright smile. "Sureeeee, but Michi, this is Yuki. He's one of my brother's friends. Yuki, this is Michi, my best friend and an amazing outside hitter."

Michi's POV
However, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Yuki standing there. He didn't notice him still now, she was in her world and gor distracted bh alessandro, she didn't even notice the mens milano team entering the room.

Michi forced a smile, her professional demeanor taking over despite the storm of feelings inside her.

Michi's eyes met Yuki's, and a moment of recognition flickered across her face. Despite the years and the distance, seeing Yuki again brought a mix of nostalgia and surprise.

Yuki was caught off guard but managed to smile, extending his hand. "Hi, Michi. It's good to see you."

Michi took his hand and shook it, her voice warm but with a hint of uncertainty. "Hi, Yuki. It's been a while."

Lucia, oblivious to the complicated history between Yuki and Michi, continued with enthusiasm. "Di you know eachother?."

Yuki nodded, trying to maintain his composure. "It's great to see you again, Michi. I've seen your progress, and it's impressive how well you've adapted to playing in Italy."

Michi smiled, appreciating the compliment. "Thanks, Yuki. It's been quite a journey."

Michi struggled to keep her emotions in check, focusing on maintaining a friendly and professional tone. "Yes, it's good to see you too. How have you been?"

Yuki nodded, sensing the tension but trying to keep the conversation light. "I've been well, thanks. It's been quite an evening, hasn't it?"

As the three continued to chat, Yuki couldn't help but feel a swirl of emotions. Seeing Michi, talking with her again after all this time, brought back memories and unresolved feelings. He was grateful for the opportunity to reconnect but was also aware of the complexities that lay beneath their interaction.

3rd POV
Alessandro, noticing Michi and Yuki's conversation, seemed to take the moment in stride, though a hint of curiosity was evident in his eyes. He didn't interfere, instead choosing to let the conversation flow naturally. He doesn't know the history between them, but it's evident that there is tension between them.

The evening continued with the group talking about their respective experiences and sharing stories from their careers. Despite the underlying tension, the interaction between Yuki and Michi remained polite and friendly, each trying to navigate the renewed connection with grace.

As the event wrapped up, Yuki and Michi exchanged final words. "It was nice catching up, Michi. Maybe we can talk more in the future," Yuki said.

Michi nodded, a subtle smile on her face. "Lets see."

With that, Yuki and Michi parted ways, leaving the backstage area with a mix of emotions. For Yuki, the evening had been a whirlwind of unexpected encounters and feelings, leaving him to reflect on the newfound opportunity to reconnect with someone who had once been an important part of his life.


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