Chapter 38

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The day after their leisurely exploration of Paris, the athletes were ready to shift gears and focus on the competition ahead. The mens national team few days later then the womens. The Olympic Village was buzzing with energy, and the air was thick with anticipation. For the first time, the men's and women's volleyball teams were scheduled to have a co-ed training session—a rare opportunity to mix things up and sharpen their skills with a bit of friendly competition.

As Michi and her teammates, Mayu, Sarina, and Akiko, entered the gym, they were greeted by the sight of the men's team already warming up. The atmosphere was light-hearted, but there was an undercurrent of seriousness—after all, this was preparation for the biggest event of their careers.

Yuki (catching sight of Michi as she walked in, flashing her a warm smile): "Hey, you ready for this? Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're my girlfriend."

Michi (smirking playfully as she tied her hair back): "I wouldn't expect anything less. Just don't get upset when I outplay you."

The rest of the teams exchanged greetings, and the coaches laid out the plan for the session. The idea was to split into mixed teams for drills, fostering camaraderie while honing their techniques.

Coach (addressing the group): "Alright, today's about working on your coordination and strategy. Let's see how you all adapt to playing alongside each other. And remember, this is still training, so keep the intensity up."

They started with some basic drills—passing, setting, and serving—before moving on to more complex plays. The mix of playing styles and strategies added a new layer of challenge, and both teams were quick to adjust, drawing on each other's strengths.

Mayu (after a particularly impressive block against one of the men's players): "Not bad, huh? Maybe I should switch to the men's team."

Yuji (grinning as he retrieved the ball): "You'd be welcome anytime, but don't think we'll let you off easy!"

The session progressed into scrimmages, with the mixed teams going head-to-head. The friendly competition brought out the best in everyone, with laughter and cheers filling the gym. Despite the playful banter, there was a shared understanding that this was all building towards the serious competition that lay ahead.

Yuki (teasing Michi after a particularly close rally where his team won the point): "Looks like you've got some work to do if you want to beat me, Michi."

Michi (grinning, unfazed): "Keep talking. Just wait until the next rally."

During a water break, the teams gathered at the sidelines, catching their breath and exchanging tips. The atmosphere was relaxed, but the bond between the players was palpable—this was more than just training; it was about building trust and camaraderie that would carry them through the pressure of the Olympics.

Akiko (leaning over to Michi with a sly smile): "So, how's it feel to be playing with your boyfriend? Not too distracted, I hope."

Michi (rolling her eyes but smiling): "Not at all. If anything, it just makes me want to play harder. We've got to push each other to be the best."


During the break, as everyone was catching their breath and grabbing water, Yuki, Michi, Yuji, Sarina, Mayu, and Akiko noticed Ran standing off to the side, grinning at his phone. It was unusual to see him so absorbed, so naturally, they grew curious.

Mayu (whispering to the group): "Look at Ran over there, smiling like a fool. What do you think he's up to?"

Yuji (smirking): "Only one way to find out. Let's go see what's got him so captivated."

The group stealthily approached Ran, who was completely unaware of their presence. As they peeked over his shoulder, they saw him swiping right on Tinder, his thumb hovering over the screen as he carefully considered each profile but one girl caught his eyes and he swiped. Then, they caught sight of him switching over to Instagram to look up one of the profiles he had just matched with.

Akiko (barely containing her laughter): "Is he seriously stalking her Instagram already? Ran's got game—or he's just really thorough."

Sarina (nudging Michi with a grin): "Should we let him know we're here, or just watch him dig himself deeper?"

Yuki (holding back a chuckle): "Let's give him a little scare. On three, we all say his name."

They all nodded in agreement, leaning in closer to Ran, who was still engrossed in his phone.

Yuji (counting down quietly): "One... two... three..."

Everyone (in unison, loudly): "RAN!"

Ran jumped nearly a foot in the air, his phone slipping from his hands as he spun around to see his teammates and friends grinning at him.

Ran (flustered, scrambling to pick up his phone): "W-what the—! How long have you guys been standing there?"

Michi (giggling): "Long enough to see you're a little busy on Tinder. Found someone special, have you?"

Ran (turning a bit red, trying to play it cool): "I was just... uh, you know, checking things out. Nothing serious."

Yuki (teasing): "Oh, come on, Ran. You were totally stalking her Instagram. Just admit it."

Ran (grinning sheepishly): "Okay, okay, maybe I was doing a little research. You can't just swipe right without knowing more about someone, right?"

Yuji (fake dramatic cry): Our baby boy has grown into a man now😭

Ran (smacking his shoulder): oh hush yuji-san, Im not the youngest anymore is kai now!

They all laughed seeing ran being teased.

Akiko (mockingly serious): "you mist be intrigued because following up with an Instagram stalk is the only responsible thing to do."

The group burst into laughter, and Ran couldn't help but join in, knowing he'd been caught red-handed.

Sarina (patting him on the back): "Well, good luck with that, Ran. Just make sure you're not so distracted during practice."

Ran (still smiling, but a bit embarrassed): "Yeah, yeah, I won't let it affect my game. You guys are the worst, you know that?"

Mayu (grinning): "You love us, admit it."

Ran (with a mock sigh): "Yeah, yeah, I do."

The playful banter continued as they returned to practice, the moment of levity serving as a reminder of the strong bonds they shared.

(Little intro to the next book👀)


The new book is out now👋Some familiar characters will appear there

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Some familiar characters will appear there

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