Chapter 17

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While on a break Michi spent time with her friends and Family, She also tried to get her mind straight on where should she head on next..

A month had passed, and after thinking carefully, Michi decided to go to Italy (Majority voted to Italy). It wasn't because Yuki was there, but because she saw the performance of the players in Italy and knew she could improve greatly in that environment. She shared the news with her best friend, Akako, who couldn't resist teasing her.

"So, you're going to Italy, huh?" Akako said with a playful smirk. "Is it because of the amazing volleyball opportunities or a certain someone?"

Michi rolled her eyes but smiled. "It's purely for volleyball. The level of play there is incredible, and I know I'll become a better player. Yuki being there... well, that's just a coincidence."

Akako giggled. "Sure, sure. But you know, your paths might cross."

Michi sighed, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Maybe, but I've accepted his choice to ghost me. I can't let that hold me back. I need to focus on my career and my growth, I don't want to be affected too much about him."

Akako nodded, her tone turning more serious. "I get it. I'm proud of you, Michi. You're strong, and you're making the right choice for yourself. Italy is lucky to have you."

"Thanks, Akako," Michi said, feeling a sense of relief. "I appreciate your support."

"Always," Akako replied with a warm smile. "Now, let's celebrate your decision. Matcha's on me!"

They laughed and headed out, ready to enjoy their time together before Michi embarked on her new adventure in Italy. Despite the uncertainty about Yuki, Michi felt more confident and excited about the opportunities ahead.


The day had finally arrived for Michi to leave for Italy. Her family gathered at the airport to see her off, a mix of emotions visible on their faces.

As they stood together near the departure gate, Akihiro gave her a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you, Michi. But I know you're going to do amazing things over there."

Michi smiled, hugging him back. "I'll miss you too, onichan. Take care of everyone while I'm gone, okay?"

Her parents stepped forward, her mother with tears in her eyes. "We're so proud of you, Michi. Follow your dreams and remember we're always here for you."

Her father nodded, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Stay strong and stay focused. You've got this."

Michi hugged her parents, feeling a lump form in her throat. "Thank you for everything. I won't let you down."

Finally, she turned to her best friend, Akako, who had come along to see her off. "This isn't goodbye, you know. Just see you later," Akako said, trying to keep her tone light.

Michi laughed softly, pulling her friend into a hug. "See you later, Akako. Keep in touch and let me know everything that's happening here."

With final hugs and words of encouragement, Michi took a deep breath and walked towards the security checkpoint. She turned around one last time, waving at her family and friends, their supportive smiles giving her the strength she needed.

As she boarded the plane, Michi felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Italy awaited her, a place of new challenges and opportunities. She was ready to take the next step in her journey, carrying the love and support of her family with her

As the plane ascended into the sky, Michi settled into her seat and gazed out the window. The familiar landscape of her homeland slowly disappeared beneath the clouds, and she felt a rush of emotions. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, beginning a silent pep talk to herself.

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