Chapter 20

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Gift cuz japan won agaisnt Argentina💕

Gift cuz japan won agaisnt Argentina💕

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Timeskip 2023

Michi's POV

It's been over a year since I went to Italy, the first few months were hard I had to adjust a lot but luckily I can communicate to them well so it was an advantage. Lucia and I are very close and I even introduced her to Akiko through FaceTime and I met Lucia'brother who also plays volleyball.

My parents would visit me here to relieve my home sickness. Sadly, Akiko was planning to come but she due commitments in Japan,

One sunny afternoon, Michi's parents arrived in Italy for a week-long visit. They had missed her dearly and were eager to see how she was adjusting. Michi took them around the beautiful city, showing them her favorite spots and introducing them to some of her teammates.

Over a cozy dinner at a quaint Italian restaurant, Michi's mother asked, "So, Michi, how are you finding everything here? Are you settling in well?"

Michi smiled, "Yes, Mom. It's been challenging, but I'm learning a lot. The team has been really supportive, especially Lucia. She's been helping me adjust to the new playing style."

Her father chimed in, "That's good to hear. And how about your personal life? Is there anyone special you've met?"

Michi chuckled and shook her head, "No, Dad. No one has caught my eye yet. I'm just focused on improving my game and making the most of this opportunity, but actually a guy confessed to my a while ago."

Her mom exclaimed and looked at her "Who is it? Is he handsome?"

Flashback-3rd POV

It had been months of rigorous training for the league, and Michi was beginning to feel more comfortable with her new team and the Italian way of playing volleyball. Amidst this routine, Alessandro, the team's analyst, found his feelings for Michi evolving. What had started as a simple admiration for her dedication and skill on the court had deepened into a genuine crush. Alessandro admired her tenacity and the way she handled herself both on and off the court.

Whenever he could, Alessandro tried to catch Michi's attention. During volleyball breaks, he would find reasons to strike up a conversation, often discussing her performance and offering insightful tips. "Michi, your spike is getting stronger. Have you thought about tweaking your approach just a bit? It might give you more power," he'd suggest, hoping to see her eyes light up with interest.

After practice, Alessandro would linger around, waiting for the right moment to talk to her. He'd offer her a water bottle or a towel, using these small gestures as an excuse to spend a few extra minutes with her.

"Great work today, Michi. You're really pushing yourself," he'd say with a smile, trying to make her feel appreciated and noticed.

Michi, focused on her training and her goals, often didn't notice the deeper feelings behind Alessandro's actions.

Caught his eyes | Yuki IshikawaWhere stories live. Discover now