Chapter 40

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Year 2027
Michi awoke to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. As she stretched out and glanced at her hand, she noticed something unusual. There was a beautiful ring on her finger.

Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the elegant diamond ring. Confused and excited, she got out of bed and walked into the living room.

There, standing with a hopeful smile, was Yuki. He was dressed casually but looked more nervous than ever.

Yuki (holding out a small box): "Good morning, Michi. I'm so glad you're awake."

Michi (still half-asleep, looking at the ring on her finger): "Yuki, what's this?"

Yuki (taking a deep breath): "I wanted to make this moment special. Michi, we've been through so much together, and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?"

Michi (tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Yuki): "Yes, Yuki, of course!"

With that, Yuki slipped the ring onto her finger and pulled her into a warm embrace. They shared a heartfelt kiss, their joy and love evident.

Yuki (whispering): "I've been waiting for this moment, and now it's finally here. I love you, Michi."

Michi (smiling through her tears): "I love you too, Yuki. I'm so happy."

The two stood together, wrapped in each other's arms, savoring the beginning of this new chapter in their lives. The proposal marked the start of their journey toward forever, filled with love, commitment, and the promise of a shared future.

Timeskip- Wedding day

Michi and Yuki's wedding was a deeply intimate and beautiful ceremony, reflecting their love and the journey they had shared. The setting was a picturesque outdoor garden, with lush greenery and blooming flowers creating a romantic backdrop.

Yuki took a deep breath, his eyes filled with emotion as he looked at Michi standing before him. The world seemed to fade away as he spoke directly from his heart.

"Michi, from the moment I met you in the court, I knew my life would never be the same. You challenged me, made me laugh, and showed me a kind of love I never thought possible, I'm a person of routine and I have the tendency to be perfectionist but when you can I learned how to be loose sometimes. Even when we clash, I know it's because we care so deeply about each other. Your stubbornness is something I've come to admire because it shows how strong and passionate you are.

I vow to protect you, not because I think you need it, but because I want to be the person you can always rely on. I promise to support you in your dreams, just as you've supported me in mine. I vow to cherish every moment we share, to stand by you through the victories and the challenges, and to never take for granted the incredible bond we share.

I know I can be a bit overprotective, and I promise to work on that, to trust in your strength and independence. But I also vow to always be there when you need me, to be your partner in everything life throws our way.

Michi, I love you more than words can express. I vow to love you fiercely, to respect you always, and to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you've made me. This is my promise to you, today and always."

Yuki's voice wavered slightly with emotion, but his gaze never left Michi's, sealing the sincerity of his vow.

Michi took Yuki's hands, her eyes shining with a mix of love and determination. She took a deep breath, her voice steady as she began to speak.

"Yuki, from the first time we met, I knew you were someone special. You've been my biggest supporter, my partner in every sense of the word, and the one who never fails to make me smile, even on my toughest days.

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