Chapter 29

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A/N: to ease our heartbreak💕

Michi's POV

Your pounding head wakes you first. It wakes you like a blaring fire alarm, you groaned and buried your face further into the pillow, then you realized that you're not currently on you bed.

Then you felt a arms wrap around your waist, you jolted backward but stopped by the headache. A muscular arm winds around your waist pulling you back. Heart racing, you glance around the room, trying to figure out where you are.

A tidy-ish, generic bedroom. Dark wood floors, white sheets, and a volleyball in the corner. That doesn't help you much, given that half the men you know are volleyball players. If you could crane your neck a little farther, you'd be able to see the number on the Red jersey sticking out of the hamper with a 14 on it-

Her heart raced as she tried to piece together what had happened. She remembered the after-party and getting drunk, but the details were hazy. The last thing she wanted was to face anyone in this state, unsure of what had transpired.

Carefully and quietly, she removed his arms and she slipped out of the bed, trying not to wake him. She gathered her belongings, her movements quick and efficient despite the headache. Once she was ready, she took one last look at Yuki, who was still sound asleep, and felt a pang of guilt. She knew she should leave a note or say something, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

As quietly as possible, Michi tiptoed out of the apartment, closing the door behind her without making a sound. She hurried down the hallway, her mind racing with questions and worries. Once she was outside, she took a deep breath of the cool morning air, trying to calm her nerves.

She decided to call a cab and head straight to her apartment. As she sat in the backseat, her thoughts were a jumbled mess of confusion, guilt, and unresolved feelings. She knew she would have to face Yuki eventually and explain her sudden departure, but for now, she just needed to get home and clear her head.

Back at her apartment, Michi collapsed onto her couch, rubbing her temples to alleviate the headache. She replayed the events of the previous night in her mind, trying to make sense of everything. The way Yuki had taken care of her, the moments they had shared—it all felt overwhelming.

Deep down, Michi knew she had to talk to Yuki, but she needed to sort through her own feelings first. She hoped he would understand and give her the space she needed to process everything. For now, all she could do was wait and hope that their next conversation would bring some clarity to the complicated emotions swirling inside her

Later that day

She was still haunted by the thought if she did something stupid last night.

Michi sat on her couch, her thoughts racing as she tried to process everything that had happened. Remembering the intense kiss she and Yuki had shared, she felt a mixture of confusion and longing. Needing to talk to someone, she picked up her phone and called Lucia.

"Hey, Michi! What's up?" Lucia answered cheerfully.

"Lucia, can you come over? I need to talk to you about something important," Michi said, her voice shaky.

"Of course, I'll be there in a bit," Lucia replied, concern evident in her tone.

True to her word, Lucia arrived at Michi's apartment within twenty minutes. She took one look at Michi's distressed face and immediately knew something serious had happened.

"Michi, what's wrong?" Lucia asked as she sat down beside her friend.

Taking a deep breath, Michi began to explain. "I need to give you a bit of backstory first. I know you know Yuki?"

Lucia nodded. "Yeah, I'm a fan ."

"Well, Yuki and I have a history. We used to be close and we had something, but then he ghosted me when he decided to focus on his career. It was hard for me, and I didn't know why he left. But recently, He's trying to reach out and due to the shoot now he's flirting at me...." Michi explained the whole ordeal

Lucia listened intently, her expression a mix of surprise and sympathy. "Wow, Michi. That's a lot to deal with. So, what happened last night?"

Michi sighed. "After the photoshoot and the celebration, I got really drunk. Yuki took care of me and brought me to his apartment. This morning, I woke up with a huge headache and found myself in his bed. I panicked and left without telling him."

Lucia's eyes widened. "You didn't stay to talk to him?"

Michi shook her head. "No, I was too confused and scared. But what really has me unsettled is that we kissed last night. It was intense, and I don't know what to make of it."

Lucia took a moment to process everything before speaking.

"Michi, you kissed him, lucky you! I mean girl kissing YUKI ISHIKAWA"

"Come one Lucia, help me out here stop fangirling😩"

"Fineeeee, In all seriousness, it sounds like there's a lot of unresolved feelings between you two. You need to talk to Yuki and clear the air. Running away won't help."

Michi nodded, knowing her friend was right. "You're right, Lucia. I just needed to hear it from someone else. I can't keep avoiding this but I dont think I can face him right now, what if I did something stupid last night!?"

Lucia gave Michi's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Im sure you're fine I'm here for you, Michi. Whatever happens, you've got my support, and you better tell this to Akako that girl needs this tea."

Feeling a bit more resolved, Michi thanked Lucia and afterwards they called Akako and told the story again

She knew the conversation with Yuki wouldn't be easy, but it was necessary. Taking a deep breath.

" I'll face him of its the right time"


I'm extremely proud of them, Even tho they lost there is a sense of comfort knowing that they fought with all they got and it was a REALLY GOOD MATCH, A lot of us were pretty disappointed with how the prelims went, but with their last dance I'm ha...

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I'm extremely proud of them, Even tho they lost there is a sense of comfort knowing that they fought with all they got and it was a REALLY GOOD MATCH, A lot of us were pretty disappointed with how the prelims went, but with their last dance I'm happy seeing the RJN play like how we know and love. Im proud of yuki in a short amount of time he bounced back to his original form which normally takes a long time to other players, congratulations to italy well deserved👏

Thank you coach blain for helping RYUJIN NIPPON rise up to their ranks and taking care of them. A lot will happen till the next olympics it's uncertain if yuki will still be in the NT or the captain I'm praying he still will, but today is not their time for sure in they future they'll get a olympics medal

To all rjn fans thank you! For supporting our boys we all deserve a break💕


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