12. an intriguing dynamic

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They had been making out for almost two hours straight, only stopping occasionally to continue their conversation.

A conversation that seemed to go in whatever direction their alcohol and desire filled brains allowed them.

"So... how did you end up in a band?" Xia asked, subtly licking at the remaining saliva on her lips, a sight that she could only imagine was not the most flattering to anyone else.

Her lipstick must've been long gone with its remnants scattered on his neck and face.

She never really considered herself an artist but in her mind this was her masterpiece laid out before her.

Kiss marks of a pinkish hue decorated his skin with a glossy finish that reflected the light every time he moved his head.

The fact that he hadn't noticed her work yet just made her feel even more proud.

He was cluelessly marked as hers.

"Uh," his hands settled on her waist, fingers pushing at the fabric of her top and started to draw shapes absentmindedly on her skin, "it's a long story."

The girl only stared into his eyes expectantly.

"Uh, well, I met Jaemin at uni. I was on my own at the time so he kind of looked after me I guess you could say. We got along well."

Xia looked around the room for the aforementioned man, curious about his current affairs.

He was in the same place he had been two and a half hours ago; on the couch perpendicular to them with two of her friends tucked under each arm.

"Jaemin is really good friends with Jeno. They've been friends since high school. They're like soulmates. Honestly it's scary how connected they are sometimes."

She took in the new name, trying to match it to the few other faces she remembered seeing on stage.

He wasn't the main vocal — she knew that — and he wasn't the keyboardist, Jaemin had been behind that instrument.

That left the drummer and the guitarist.

"Mark and Hyuck were the ones who really started the band. They've been friends since forever I think."

She let herself follow Jisung's gaze to the two band mates playing beer pong on the other side of the room.

Hyuck she knew. He was concentrating very hard on the other, whose turn it was.

Mark must be the drummer. He lined the shot and threw the ball directly into the center cup.

The surrounding crowd cheered and his face lit up in excitement as he celebrated with those around him.

Donghyuck begrudgingly drank what was in the cup with a sour look on his face.

"Mark knew Jeno from work. They were looking for people to join their new band and they knew Jeno could play guitar."

So Jeno's the guitarist, the girl thought. She remembered how he had been pretty popular amongst her friends.

Searching the room she found him in the corner, leaning against the wall and casually checking his phone.

A girl she didn't recognize was practically attached to his side, dancing like it was her profession and glaring at any girl that bothered to look in their direction.

"Jeno told Jaemin and I about the band and we decided to join them. I actually wasn't sure about it at first but Jaemin ended up convincing me."

Her focus went back to Jaemin. His name certainly came out of Jisung's mouth enough to take note.

He spoke very highly about the man.

She found their dynamic intriguing.

When she had first placed herself onto Jisung's lap he seemed to panic a bit. His attention had gone over to the older guy and then he easily set his hand on her waist as the other had inconspicuously showed him.

She wasn't supposed to notice but she did.

"What's Jaemin's deal?"



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