15. his crazy girlfriend?

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The room went silent for Xia.

A loud ringing in her ears as if a bomb had gone off, the girl falling victim to the blast, however not being it's main target.

She stared up dumbfounded at the scene laid out before her.

The man she had committed herself to for the night held his hands up in a defensive position, wide eyes showcasing a perceived innocence.

Whether that innocence was genuine or not... the jury was still out on that one.

Across from Xia's crumpled up figure on the floor stood a tall girl with long black hair and a burning fire in her eyes.

Her anger radiated off her body and slammed into Jisung's chest, just as her fists did. His hands going to stop her actions to no avail.

If the solid slap she made across his face didn't capture the attention of those around them, her screaming certainly did.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I leave you for 12 hours and you're already hooking up with another dumb whore!"

Xia maneuvered herself into an upright position, nose flaring as it did when she was upset and her eyebrows brought together in frustration.

The mad girl briefly looked down at Xia with disdain.

"And a fat, ugly one at that."

Quickly Xia went from angry to amused. As if it weren't any more obvious that this girl had never met anyone like Xia before.

Money could buy her a lot but a good fashion sense was priceless.

In all honesty, she had grown accustomed to the weight comments.

Since she was young both her arms and legs were a bit bigger than the other girls, and being short and small didn't always help.

It's a miracle what a developed fashion sense could make up for when it came to physical imperfections.

Looking at this girl with proportionally short legs wearing cheap, ill-fitting jeans and an ultra-cropped top that accentuated her long torso, Xia felt a bit satisfied to know that she had no clue what she was talking about.

It was clear as day that she was nothing but an ignorant broke bitch with serious anger management issues.

"Jurin, Baby, just please calm down," Jisung pleaded with her.

Poor baby hamster got caught in the wrong snakes' den.

"Don't fucking call me 'Baby', you piece of shit! I wish I had never had met you. You're the worse thing that's ever happened to me."

Xia stared at him curiously —- now sitting in a comfortable position — gauging his reaction to all of this.

His face continuously fell, eyes getting glassy and lips parted in a devastating look of shock and hurt.

It was difficult not to feel sorry for the boy with an expression like that, but the uncertainties of the situation urged Xia to remain silent.

This wasn't her fight, she'd just literally been dragged into it.

"And who the fuck are you?" Aeri, as usual, was being loud and confrontational.

Jaemin pulled her closer to him so that she wouldn't get up.

"Don't get involved. You don't want any part of that," he whispered in her ear, but the blood boiling inside of her made it hard to listen.

"Jaem, could you put a muzzle on your lap bitch, please? Thanks."

Chaos ensued with many of Xia's friends ganging up on this Jurin girl, each giving her a piece of their mind.

Meanwhile the girl was still sat on the floor observing a cut she'd gotten on her knee from when she was dragged to the ground by her hair. A hand soothing the back of her head.

"Jisung!" Jaemin grabbed the shocked boy's attention long enough to direct it towards the girl.

Snapping out of his daze the younger stood up and held a hand out for the girl to take.

She stared blankly up at his hand before bringing her eyes up to his face.

Despite everything there was still something gentle and kind in his countenance. Something Xia couldn't deny was pulling her back in.

It wasn't like her friends were paying that much attention on her, and she was in the mood for answers.

Without much hesitation she grabbed his hand and followed him further into the back rooms of the venue.



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