18. a burning flame

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"Are you sure?" Minjeong had asked her before getting into the taxi, implying that there was still time to go home if the other girl changed her mind.

"Yeah," Xia said with arms crossed, trying to stay warm from the cold night breeze. "You know how Hina is when she gets cross faded. Let me know when you reach Jin's."

She watched the taxi drive off before heading back inside.

It was time for her plan to be set into action.

Walking past the still bustling hotel room she had been in earlier, she counted four doors before coming to a halt in front of the one she was looking for.

For a brief moment she thought of knocking but decided that the element of surprise could be to her benefit.

Steam poured out of the bathroom door once it was opened. The heat brushed past Xia's face from where she stood to the side.

"You know, you should really keep your door locked. You never know who might wander in."

Startled, Jisung looked up from drying his hair with a towel.

Now able to have him in her line of vision, she took in his fresh-out-of-the-shower look.

The light gray hoodie with the dark gray sweatpants did numbers for him. And the dewy look of his skin made her itch for a feel.

"Oh, it's you. You scared me."

He visibly relaxed after realizing it was Xia, continuing on with his business, albeit more cautiously now that he was with an audience.

"I must admit you got me pretty good."

His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Something she found amusing, because he knew exactly what he did.


She stripped off her jacket and tossed it to the side, taking a few steps into the steamed up bathroom.

"I mean that look is impeccable. Had me fooled."

"What look?" His voiced wavered.

He was getting flustered and that was exactly how she wanted him.

"That little innocent look you've got going on," she continued walking forward, slowly narrowing the gap between the two. "Acting like you don't want it when in reality you do. You want it. You want it more than anyone else."

Xia now stood right in front of the heavy-breathing man, his eyes widening as she reached up to the zipper of his gray hoodie.

"Oh, Jisung," she whispered sweetly, tone dripping in honey, "you play the game well, you really do."

He shivered at the cool touch of her fingertips as they traced along the exposed skin of his toned chest, unzipping the garment at a painstakingly slow pace.

Towel dropping to the floor in a careless daze.

"But you shouldn't play the game if you're too afraid to collect the prize."

Her fingers made it all the way to the hem of his sweatpants.

She didn't want to touch him just yet. Crossing that line would be up to him.

Though she was in desperate need of having control of something in her life, she knew force wasn't necessarily the best way to power.

His eyes raked over her body in a desire-filled manner. Mind operating at a thousand miles per hour. Then they darted over her shoulder towards the door.

Even after all this he was still thinking about her.

When his eyes finally met hers she reached for his cheek. It was still a little red and the beginning purples of a bruise were starting to show.

This time he was too entranced by her boldness to stop her.

She graced her fingertips against the skin, Jisung flinching for a second before melting in her touch.

"I know you're hurting, and you know I am too," Xia whispered softly, he hung onto her every word. "Maybe we could make that pain go away together? Just for a moment."

It was a last resort.

Sometimes an honest plea was enough to get the job done.

Jisung nodded, slowly at first but a fire burned in his eyes. His hands went to her waist and he started taking a couple steps forward.

Her hands worked their way up his chest to his shoulders.

They hadn't even reached the door when his lips met hers in a needy, almost sloppy kiss. Tongues brushing up against each other as if they were made for it.

Unlike the kisses they shared earlier these had a certain desperation to them. That playfulness from earlier long gone.

All that was left was a burning flame of passion that could only be put out by their shared perspiration of desire.

He shut and locked the door behind her, pressing her figure against the wooden surface.

Bodies quickly getting intertwined, they both knew that they were given one chance to make this happen, and neither was going to waste it.



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