26. be good

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"Ms. Liang, it's a pleasure to meet you." The man bowed at a full 90 degrees, which she reciprocated. "I'm Huang Renjun, assistant manager here at the Andante Studio. I look forward to working with you."

"As do I with you."

Renjun then turned to Chenle, giving him an equally respectful bow.

"Mr. Zhong, wonderful to see you, as always."

The other just laughed.

"Renjun, we're close enough in age. You can call me Chenle," he said with a smile.

Renjun shifted uncomfortably in his spot. "I don't think that would be very professional, Mr. Zhong. Perhaps outside of work if you so wish."

Xia and Chenle turned towards each other for a brief moment, the girl sending him a knowing look.

"I might take you up on that offer."

"I'm fine with Ms. Liang," she butted in, feeling a lull in the conversation coming on.

Renjun smiled lightly. "For now," he added.

A confusion settled between the two until the man gestured to the both of them.

That's right, I'm the future Mrs. Zhong, she thought.

The idea was still so new to her. Sometimes she'd forget she was getting married. Everything had happened so sudden.

"Right," the couple replied, laughing it off.

Chenle stared down at Xia, an excited spark in his eyes.

It was clear to anyone that he was happy about the engagement. His steps were lighter and his smile was just a little brighter than usual.

He felt as if his whole life had been working its way to this.

And now it was finally happening.

"I should go now," he said suddenly.

"Renjun, if she causes any trouble, don't be afraid to write her up. She can be kind of lazy sometimes but it's nothing that some chastising couldn't fix."

The other man actually laughed at this. "Alright."

"Take good care of her for me, please." Chenle was smiling but his voice had a subtle serious tone to it.

"Of course," Renjun assured him. "I'll give you two a moment. Ms. Liang, I'll be waiting for you in the front office."

Xia gave him a confirmation in response and then turned towards her betrothed.

Her palms felt sweaty, same as they always were for these moments.

It felt like everyone had been giving the new couple 'moments' since he'd asked her the question. Despite their closeness she found them to be quite nerve-wracking.

Things between them remained the same for the most part.

This was the other part.

Chenle's hand was already underneath her chin before she had too much time to think about it, lifting her face up to meet his.

"Be good."

It was a simple phrase but it held multiple meanings, she could see it in his eyes.

It was a 'don't do anything stupid', 'you'll be fine', and a 'if not, you know where to find me' all wrapped into one.

All she could do was nod, but even that was proven to be difficult given the way his fingers held her face still.

In one quick movement he swooped down and captured her lips with his in a chaste kiss.

Xia's heart stopped briefly.

Then he pulled away and everything went back to normal again.

Chenle gave her rosy cheeks a couple squishes before petting her head one last time.

"I'll see you later."

And just like that he was gone.

The girl stood there for a minute; confused, happy, and nervous all at once.


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Do you prefer short or long chapters/parts?

Usually, I just write until I feel like a 'scene' has finished or I've reached a decent cliffhanger.

Jisung's coming back soon, I promise.

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