13. palpable desire

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"Anyways that was three years ag— Jaemin?" Jisung's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, wondering why she was questioning about him in particular.

The girl on his lap was focused intently on the aforementioned man. Quickly he followed her line of sight.

Jaemin was in one of his easygoing, light moods where he could talk to anyone and draw them into him with his charm.

Apart from the two girls, a good size group of 8-9 people surrounded him as he added small bits to the conversation here and there.

The others would laugh along like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard, because in those moments, it is.

The younger of the two knew what that was like. At one point he had been an outsider just breaking into the circle and now he finds himself with the privilege of being a part of the older's inner circle.

Jisung was used to Jaemin attracting the most attention at any given moment. Especially female attention.

It wouldn't be the first time that a girl who had been all over him later asked about his friend.

Sometimes even going for the other after having their fun with him — a venture that never went too far.

But he could tell that wasn't the case here.

Xia didn't look at Jaemin with lust nor envy. She seemed intrigued but in an apprehensive way, her eyes narrowed and staring him down like a hawk.

Perhaps an unpalatable prey.

"What's his M.O.?"

"What do you mean?"

She leaned closer to him as if they were discussing something top secret. Her mouth just an inch or two away from his ear.

"I mean, Aeri and Hyunah are natural sworn enemies and they look like they're two seconds away from making out in front of him."

Jisung felt his ears burn up, knowing that they would be bright red if she took notice at that exact moment.

The scene was a rather intemperate one to behold.

The man's head was lulled back, resting on the back of the couch. Eyes clouded with drunken amusement. Aeri was letting her hand roam his exposed chest freely, face nestled into his neck, while Hyunah slowly rubbed up and down his inner thigh, mouth pressed against his ear undoubtedly speaking impurities.

Jisung watched in an awe-like stupor, only snapping out of it when Xia placed her hand on his cheek.

She was still waiting on an answer.

It was one thing to know and joke about his friend's sexcapades within their own little friend group, but explaining it to someone outside, especially someone of this girl's social stature, was something completely different and difficult to wrap his head around.

"Uh... Jaemin just has a way of bringing people together. Really, he just has a way with people."

"Uh huh," her fingers went to the strands of hair at the back of his head like she had earlier, letting them run along his scalp comfortingly. "So this is something... normal for him?"

Her voice sounding next to his ear sent shivers down his spine.

"Getting double teamed, I mean."

Jisung felt his heartbeat pick up speed once again.

Whether it was the sultry tone of her voice or the way she so casually phrased things, the same unsavory thoughts of getting her alone and lavishing her body with his palpable desire until she came undone flashed through his mind.

"Often, if I'm being honest. Sometimes he just can't help himself."

Xia pressed her chest tighter against his, the man trailing his hands farther up her arched back. A staggered breath escaping his lips.

"Can you?" She replied.

The disturbance in his jeans made itself apparent for what had to be the third or fourth time that night.



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