10. just one perfect kiss

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Her lips were soft — even softer than he imagined — pressed delicately to the skin at the base of his neck, just above his collarbone.

There was something tender about the kiss. Weighed down by all this sexual tension and the girl went with a light approach, almost sweet.

It was almost as if, even with all her confidence, Xia was hesitant to take things even further.

It was one thing to entice and tease, it was an entirely different thing to actually follow through with the act.

Was she genuinely interested in pursuing this connection or was it all part of the game?

Jisung was stuck on the two options, knowing that one should be his preference but secretly he wished for the other.

The girl slowly parted her lips, starting to leave open mouth kisses up his neck.

She worked her way up with patience. Her tongue leaving behind a thin trail of saliva, teeth taking small nibbles of his skin every now and then.

The man tried to hold it in but the second she reached his Adam's Apple he let out a low groan, the vibration being felt against her lips causing her to hum contently in return.

He closed his eyes as his head leaned back, exposing his neck in full.

Xia pictured the moment when he threw his head back to finish the drink. All of her thoughts from that point of time culminating to now.

She wanted to decorate his skin, have him all marked up as hers.

Well, hers for the night.

But there was something slightly off about him. It was like his body was there reacting to every little move she made but his mind was somewhere else.

She felt as if he was a mesmerizing butterfly and if she moved too quick he'd fly away.

Her potent desires would have to be quenched at another time.

She wanted him.

Slipping her leg from his grip, the girl continued her gradual conquest further up his neck. She took advantage of having both feet on the ground, lifting her heels to allow herself to reach higher than before.

Xia's kisses, at first, were more deliberate, in search of any sensitive spots and giving them just enough attention before moving on.

But they became more desperate over time as the reach of her lips were being pushed to their limits.

Once she got to the bottom of his chin, she was stretched as far as she could go. Even on her tippy toes with platform boots and neck stretched all the way out; his lips were miles away.

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, clutching onto them for dear life. Body trembling from trying to maintain her position, as well as the excitement building up inside her.

Jisung felt her body begin to shake underneath his hands, finally snapping him out of his daze.

With his head upright and facing forward, his lips lined up with the crown of her head.

But when he straightened out his legs to his full height an unwanted distance separated the two.

The man had to look down to meet Xia's eyes.

What he saw when he looked at her was a mystery to the girl. He held a relatively blank face, not revealing any of his thoughts or feelings.

Was she like a small puppy to him begging for a treat?

Or was it like when the waiter arrives at the table with your food and you just stare up at the tray of delectables in anticipation?

Whatever the case, his gaze seemed to soften. One of his hands slipped from her waist and rose up to her cheek.

The back of his fingers delicately ran down her skin before fully caressing her face.

Xia felt herself tremble even more under his touch as the corners of his lips pulled up slightly into a small smile.

And just like that the girl lost her balance, falling back onto her heels and stumbling a bit backwards.

His arm wrapped tightly around her, holding her close.

"Are you alright?" Concern written all over his face.

She nodded in response.

Hands settled gently on his shoulders, she looked up at him through her eyelashes.

One kiss wouldn't hurt.

He started to lean down.

Just one kiss.

His thumb set itself under her jaw, carefully pushing her face upwards towards him.

One genuine kiss.

She closed her eyes once their noses brushed up against one another.

Just one perfect kiss.

Their lips met and it was like the golden rays of the sun broke through the dark storm clouds.



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