1. the hot bass player

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Xia knew from the moment that she first laid eyes on Park Jisung that she just had to try him on for size.

She would blame it on the alcohol, the dimly lit club, the way the lights hit him as he moved on the stage, how his long, slender fingers deftly pressed down the strings of the instrument, the heated stares he sent her way all throughout their set.

She'd blame it on anything but her burning desire for recklessness.

"Girl, fuck him!" Her friend Hina drunkenly shouted over the loud crowd surrounding the stage.

"Yeah," Aeri chimed in, just as tipsy as the last, "if he doesn't appreciate you then someone else will!"

"Just go talk to him." Minjeong added, the only one with an ounce of sobriety left in her body, speaking at a normal volume.

Everyone in the group agreed with the girl in an uproar of corresponding exclamations.

Xia just shook her head with a smile, wondering how such brilliant women in their own rights could make the absolute worst decisions when placed together as a group.

Though, her alcohol consumed mind didn't linger on that thought for long. Instead it quickly wandered back to the hot bass player that had been making eyes at her all night.

The guy her friends were, at the moment, trying to urge her to talk to.

"Hey, you! Mister!" Aeri yelled to the man who was now helping the rest of the band pack up their things.

"Mister? What is he an 80-year-old man?" Hyunah questioned, the other girl giving her a scowl.

"Yah! Emo boy! Bass hottie!" Hina threw out any nickname she could come up with to get his attention. Meanwhile Xia stood off to the side, embarrassed by her friends' behavior.

One of the other members of the band caught on and tapped the man on the shoulder before pointing to the group of girls.

God, he's tall, Xia admired him from below, a stage light shining over his head turning him into some sort of sexy angel in her mind.

"Hi," he said with a deep voice and a soft smile, "can I help you?"



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