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Poetry: Morning

We had the kind of night where morning comes too soon

We used the light from a flickering candle across the room to make shadows that only one thing could make


"I'm thinking about launching my own hair serum" Jessie spoke uncertain.

"Yeah, why the heck not, I'll support it" Amira optimistic.

"Is it a hair growth serum because a brotha's going bald over here" I could hear the humorous wit in Heywood's voice.

"Yeah we know, right J" Iesha nudged me from over my shoulder. She leaned onto the back of my seat as I sat in it with my book in my lap writing away.

I lifted my head from my book briefly to glance at them. The shop only consisted of the five of us on that rainy day. The rain poured like background music to their conversation. "Yeah, whatever Iesha said" I spoke nonchalant and went back into my book.

In the middle of the silence a pretty hand with oval red nails snatched the book out of my lap. "What the hell are you writing anyway" Jessie said with my book up to her breast.

My jaw gapped out of shock and a hot flash of embarrassment ran down me. I tried jumping out of the seat to grab my book until Iesha's hand pulled me back down. "Uh-uh Justice, let her read it" she taunted.

Amira sat at the edge of her chair with curlers in her head as she looked up at Jessie. "Oh this gone be good, Jessie read it" she demanded.

I palmed my face wishing I could run and hide. Jessie cleared her throat dramatically with her mouth curved. "Morning" she made her voice soft as a feather.

I could feel my face flash red knowing she was doing her best impersonation of myself. Heywood cackled like a witch at her voice. "That's Justice" Iesha said over me.

"We had the kind of night where morning comes too soon" her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Justice I can't hear you girl" Heywood said.

"I'm sorry, was I not loud enough for you" Jessie answered. They all laughed with their mouths big and obnoxiously wide showing all teeth.

I began to cross my arms holding a fit like a child. "We used the light from a flickering candle across the room to make the shadows that only one thing could make" she dramatically lifted her head from the book and dropped her smile. "Love" she spoke in her regular voice.

Heywood, Amira and Iesha all snapped their hands as if we were in a poetry club. "That was quite romantic Justice" Amira said looking at me.

"She's in love, ugh" Iesha said sticking her finger down her throat.

"Aww but it looks good in her" Jessie smiled handing me my book back. "She's in her honeymoon faze"

Jessie went back to taking the curlers out of Amira's head. That night I went home with Iesha, the two of us walked together underneath our umbrellas. The water showered around us, the sound of water hitting the umbrella echoed above me.

"So, what are you eating tonight" I yelled over the shower.

"Johnny's coming over and we're having pizza"

"Oh really, where is he getting the pizza from?"

"Does it matter, you're going back to Chris's tonight" her words came off a little hostile.

𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now