Chapter 32

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Ok, so this may have a shit ass ending because Heta may be great at starting things, but finishing them is an area where her abilities are nearly an illusion. I do have the plans for this, though. I just suck at endings. By now I've like forgotten whatever was happening last, but whatever. Well, those of you still reading this fanfiction, congradufuckinglations for making it this far. Now here's a sappy dimfuck ending as your reward.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Elizaveta touched Gilbert's cheek tenderly, careful not to bring pain to him. "I'm bringing him home to tend to his wounds. Is that alright, Ivan?" Ivan nodded with a smile while Alfred glared at all three of them. 

"N-no.. I don't want to leave Peter here. His powers are still maturing." Gilbert protested. 

Elizaveta sighed. "It's fine, we'll get him as well."

Gilbert shook his head. "No, you don't understand..." He said before his consciousness slipped away. 

"..." Ludwig opened his mouth and hesitated before closing it. Elizaveta caught the movement, and thought for a second. 

"Ludwig, you should take him, actually." Ludwig blinked. "I just have a feeling that you have something to do with him. Women's intuition." She offered a small smile. (A/N See this is my sorry attempt at moving the story on. 'Women's intuition' my ass) 

Ludwig nodded gratefully. "Thank you." The group somehow made it outside, with Gilbert on Ludwig's back, and settled down near a tree.

"We'll go look for Peter." Yo motioned towards Roderich and Vash. 

"Oo~ I'll come too!" Ivan said behind Yao. 

"E-eh, ok, aru." Yao allowed, doing that blue-lines-traveling-down-face-kind-of-like-what-people-do-when-they-see/eat-Arthur's-food thing.  The group barely touched the door handle of the mansion when one of the windows exploded. Everyone's attention snapped up to the boy in the smoke.

"You..." Peter glared at all of them. His eyes landed on Ludwig, who was on the ground next to Gilbert with a bit less hysterical Feliciano than before. Red flickered in Peter's eyes. Ludwig felt a chill speed up his spine. The jacks (excluding Feliciano) all stood in front of the others, their weapons ready. Peter grabbed an axe out of the air and charged at all of them. 

then sealand came and went on a rampage about ludwig being prussias brodur nshit and killed prussia on accident and everyone else lived happily ever after besides hungary who was like depressed for a bit and japan doin shit so gerita could happen oh and like a decade later france found a girl that looked like jeanne #nostoglia #dontiknowyou #muderfiker


I had a bit of trouble trying to keep track of what everyone was doing in this fic like wow, there were like 14 characters in this and some of them I barely included. Needeeee fuck this shit 

Maybe Heta will update this wiht an actual written out ending kthxbye

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