Chapter 11

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"Die! Die! Die! Die!"

The town chanted as they made way for the wagon containing the cage the red eyed boy was in. His head was hung low with his knees touching his lips, drawing a shadow over his face. Foods were thrown at him as he drew nearer towards the tall wooden stake in front of the wagon.


Francis walked around in the lively crowd, searching for his beloved Joan. "Joan! Joan!" He called, then stopped because the crowd was too noisy. He sighed, pushing his way to the front of the stake to get a better view. "What is she doing now..." Francis thought as red eyed "child of Satan" was hoisted up to the stake. Silence swept over the crowd as a man poured oil in a circle around the stake. Some decided to throw coal and wood into the circle as well. The boy didn't move. His entire body was as if it were dead, even the red eyes that slowly followed the man pouring oil, then watching him light a match and throw it into the flammable mess.

'Wow. How can he be so calm as death approaches him?' Francis thought. There was a small gap in the crowd across from him. A cloaked figure in the woods about the same size as him caught his eye in the gap. No, there were two. One had a dark green cloak while the other had a black one. They seemed to be oblivious to each other's presence despite being only a few feet and a tree away from each other. He squinted. The figure in green had a bow and arrow and...really big eyebrows. The other one's most noticeable feature was the white hair that was visable even in the shadows the trees provided.

'What are they doing? Spies?' He wondered. Francis immediately lost those thoughts as the flames roared at the crowd like it was trying to warn them not to get too close, that it had already caught its prey. A voice screamed over the flames and the excited crowd. Francis looked up and his breath hitched. The boy's face was etched with pain. His cloths started to turn ashen and burn along with some of his skin that was turning brown and started forming lumps.

But that wasn't what scared him. It was the face. It was all too familiar. Where did she get such an appearence?! Those fake crying red eyes looked down at him for a second and smiled where her lips cried pain.


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