Chapter 13

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Francis closed his eyes and let out a small sigh. "Yes. I lo.. I knew Joan. I was her childhood friend." "Ah.." Gilbert moved out of Francis's gentle embrace and stood up, holding out a hand to help Francis up. Francis shook his head and stood up by himself, "No, but thank you." They stood up and gazed upon the land beyond the gates. Everything seemed dead, from the murky green grass to the dead rotting logs to the swampy river. Especially the huge broken mansion. 'It looks so old.. maybe its haunted... What a creepy place...' He thought as spider-like shivers crawled up and down his spine.

"Did you have a purpose for punching me? Or did you do it for absolutely no reason, for the sake of some kind of sick entertainment?" Gilbert asked. "No, I don't have a sick taste of entertainment. I actually didn't realize I punched you.. I apologize.. Honhonhon..." Francis scratched the back of his head. "There must be a purpose in stalking me then. That's strange. I mean, you must've noticed my aura, right?" Gilbert raised an eyebrow. "Oh! That. Well..." Francis looked at Gilbert in the eye. "It...dates back to a couple years ago, when Joan..." He looked away, being that it was difficult to say it. But Gilbert  understood and also looked down. "... What about it?"

Francis took a deep breath. "You were in the woods at the time, right? Why? I know now that you can perform magic, so how she looked is no longer a mystery to me. But, it should've been you... right?" ".... Yes... It really should have been me..." Gilbert sighed as he began to explain what had happened, how he had bumped into her and how she had forced him to trade places with him because she believed that God had been trying to tell her to do this, that it was her fate, her destiny. Francis listened carefully and silently, asking a few questions here and there.

"She was really kind and brave.. She didn't cry. Even as the flames ate her, burned her. What a strong woman.." Francis half smiled. "Yeah, she's definitly the strongest woman I've ever encountered in these 26 years of my life." A small bead of water escaped Francis's eye. He rubbed it off with the palm of his hand, chuckling. "Ohonhon.. How stupid. She doesn't shed a tear over death, yet I cry over death stealing her." "Kesese, how manly." Gilbert playfully mocked. 

"I'd better get going. My castle is probably wondering where I am. Good bye, Gilbert." He smiled and held out a hand. Gilbert took it, half returning the smile. "Good bye, Francis." 

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