Chapter 17

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"You idiot! What do you mean, irises are better than roses? Roses are obviously by far the most beautiful and elegant flower in existence! Do your research, wanker!" (The iris is France's national flower while the rose is America and England's (England's is the Tudor rose which apparently is fictional Idk suits him though XD) *searches through national animals* *sees France's* *sees Scotland's* *dYiNg NoIsEs Of LaUgHtEr*) Arthur yelled in the castle's tea room. "Huh? Irises are much more elegant and beautiful than cliche roses!" Francis defended his opinion. "Says the one who's favorite animal is the Gallic rooster!" (France's national animal XD OK I KNOW I'M BEING A BITCH OK XD ILL SHUT UP NOW) "Guh!" Francis flinched as if Arthur had swung an arrow at him. "Fuck you, Eyebrows. I'm the king of Diamonds! Hah!"

Francis's hands flung to his mouth and he mentally slapped himself a thousand times. 'Fucking Francis fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you your an idiot fuck you.' Arthur stared at him with a confused and shocked face. "What? Er, I'm not entirely sure I heard that correctly, so can you repeat that, Flynn?" Arthur emphasized Francis's fake name, as he started to feel anger slowly spreading through him. "Y-you did, it seems. I said-" "King of Diamonds, eh?" Arthur took a step forward, causing Francis to take a step back. "H-hey, Arthur, let's-" Arthur took another step forward, bigger than the last. Now he was face to face with Francis and grabbed Francis's shirt collar.

"What the bloody fuck is the king of Diamonds intruding on my kingdom's grounds?" Francis started to get nervous. "Um.. Er.." "Do you need a bit of time out in the dungeons before I get an answer out of you, Flynn?" "It was an accident! I didn't expect that garden to be the one leading to your place! How the hell should I know?! Alfred and I only talk at meetings." "..." After what seemed like a century's worth of silence, Arthur angrily let Francis's shirt collar go. "I don't even want to know your real name. Just get the bloody hell out." Francis stood there silently.

"... Arthur..." The brit didn't reply.

Arthur I-" "

Get out."

"Even if you call for the guards, the room is sound proof. You made sure so that nobody would overhear our conversations."

"Then I'll open the door and yell, idiot." "

I'll block you." Arthur looked at Francis, and Francis wished he didn't. He didn't want the betrayl and anger written all over his face to stain his precioius memories of Arthur.

"Are you challenging me?" "


"Because you know you'll lose." Francis eyed him and cracked a small smile.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Yes. If you don't leave this instant."

"I'm not leaving."

"You're choice."

The two bolted for the door as soon as those words escaped Arthur's mouth. Francis reached the doors first and turned around with his back facing them so that Arthur, who was slower by a mere second, would run right into him. Francis wrapped his arms tightly around Arthur.

"Let me go, wine loving bastard!"


"I'll wage war on your kingdom!"

"I think not. Alfred doesn't have the time for war."

"Then I'll send assassins after you!"

"Do you think that I haven't dealt with those before? Wealth is a powerful incentive, Arthur."

"Don't say my name when I don't even know yours, bastard!"

Francis chuckled softly. "It's Francis." "Francis... Fancy name fit for a wanker." Arthur smirked. Francis looked down at him. Thousands of thoughts flew rapidly in his head as his heart sped up from the cuteness of Arthur's expression. He turned the position around so that Francis's arms were on either side of Arthur on the wall near the door. "Wh-what do you think your-?!" (just because I'm watching Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi and these happen all the time ohonhonhon) Lips suddenly crashed onto Arthur's. Arthur's cut off words were converted  into muffles. He place his hands on Francis's chest in surprise and the kiss broke. The two looked each other in the eyes. Neither spoke. Francis kissed Arthur again.

"Mph!" Arthur pushed him away and wiped his mouth. "I- What the fuck do you think your doing!?! I'm a married man! You can't just bloody kiss me! I'm the queen of-" "I love you, Arthur." Francis interrupted. "H-huh?" "I love you." Francis knelt down and kissed Arthur's hand, which Arthur pulled away immediatly. "I-idiot! Get out now!" Francis stood up and smiled at how red Arthur's face was. "If something ever happens between you and Alfred, don't hesitate to come to Diamonds and run into my arms. Je t'aime" Francis bowed and walked out of the door in the tea room that lead to the outdoors, leaving as Arthur threw insults and swear words at him. 


Another fruk chapter... I'm not giving the usuk fans enough fan service. Francis needed to confess his love though. I couldn't come up with a good comeback at this one part *goes to a corner and starts miserably picking mushrooms*. Gosh, I'm basically neglecting Russia, Hearts, Yao, Liechtenstien, and Swizz. The fanfics like 2/3 done and they haven't gotten any love. Stupid heta. There's also so many back stories that I have. I may have to make an extra fanfic to put them in if they don't fit in the story.. Ah well. I'll shut up now *sews mouth shut*.

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