Chapter 3

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"Lovely day, isn't it." Alfred said to the driver. "Huh? Were you talking to me, your highness?" The driver turned around. "Yeah." He smiled. "Oh! My apologies, your highness. Yes, it is a nice day, indeed." "Heehee." The driver turned back to the road. Alfred sighed. "So boring...I wish Arthur were here..." He stared out the carriage window blankly.

"One tree, two trees, three trees, four trees, five trees, six trees, seven trees, eight trees, nine trees, ten trees, eleven trees, twelve trees, thirteen tr-" "Hello!" A voice said. "Ah!" His body snapped around to find a blonde little boy no older than 10 sitting next to him. "Woah! How'd you get there?!" "That's for me to know and you to never find out." He winked. "Magic?" He asked. "Hahaha, you'll never get my secrets." The boy laughed. "Aw, ok." Alfred blinked, and the boy was gone.

"Huh?" He looked outside. "What?! KID GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" The kid was skipping in a circle ahead of the road. "Hahaha!" "STOP THE CARRIAGE!!!" Alfred yelled "I CANT!" The driver yelled back. The carriage was only feet away from the kid, and he still didn't get out of the way. "HOLY SHIT!" He opened the door and yanked the horses reins hard. But not hard enough. The carriage crashed into the child. The carriage stopped and they flew into a tree. "Oof!" he fell on his head. "Ouch!" He got to his feet and rubbed his head. Then he looked at the carraige wreck. "OH MY GOD!" He ran over to the carriage. "What? No blood?" He dug through the mess. "No body either...What is going on?"

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