Chapter 24

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Elizaveta's eyes felt heavy. She felt like something extremely heavy had come crashing onto her and she was still in the process of recovery. 'Huh? Wasn't I just with Roderich on a bench? What am I sitting on? It's so hard...' Elizaveta lifted her eyelids to see three strangers in blue, yellow, and dark pink. Two men and one girl, who was lying down asleep on a metal bench next to her. There was another metal bench that held the two men. "Oh, she's awake." A voice heavily dipped with a British accent spoke. The voice had come from the man in blue with a cute blue hat and abnormally large eyebrows who had his legs crossed along with his arms.

"Ah, it seems so." Another voice said, coming from the man in dark pink. This voice was also heavily accented, though with a Japanese accent this time. "Herro, I'm Kiku Honda, queen of Hearts." He smiled, bowing his head slightly. "Good afternoon, my lady. My name is Arthur Kirkland, queen of Spades. I'm guessing that your the queen of Clubs, judging by the color of your clothing, how Kiku and I are both queens, and how there are four of us with clothing from each kingdom?"

Elizaveta blinked. "Oh, yes. I am." She stood up and bowed like Kiku had, except deeper, and stood back up with straight posture to make a good impression with the British queen. "I am Queen Elizaveta Hedervary of Clubs." "That's a pretty name, Elizaveta- san." Kiku complemented. Elizaveta smiled. "Thank you, Kiku." The small blonde girl started shifting, and the three stared at her. Her eyes slowly opened. "Wh-where am I?" She asked in a cute, high pitched voice with a German accent. "Oh, how cute! My name is Elizaveta Hedervary, and I'm the queen of Clubs." Elizaveta squealed. Kiku and Arthur introduced themselves as well.

"H-hello. Um, Big Brother told me not to talk to strangers.." The little girl told them. "Oh, really? You have a good big brother then! It's alright, we won't hurt you. We're all trapped in this cell together. And we're all queens, so you don't need to worry." The girl looked around. "My name is Lily Vogel, queen of Diamonds." She said and bowed, holding her skirt up. "What a cute name!" Elizaveta exclaimed. "Thank you." Lily accepted Elizaveta's compliment. "We should team up and get out of here!" Arthur was about to say something, but was interrupted by a voice also painted with a German accent.

"No, I wouldn't count on that. These bars are made of steel, and no one can break through them. I've tried." Gilbert stepped halfway into the view of the four queens so that half of him was covered in shadows. He didn't have a smile on his face. "We'll get out, you fiend!." Arthur's hands gripped the jail's bars. "No, you won't. Magic can't break the bars." "I can still try! My magic is stronger than yours!" Arthur yelled. "I doubt that. You haven't strained your magic since your childhood. There's no chance that it's gotten stronger." Gilbert's expression towards Arthur was hatred. Hatred that none of the others understood. Not even Arthur, though his anger was blocking out any other thoughts.

"How the bloody hell do you know that?!" "It wouldn't do any good to tell you. I didn't come for you anyways." Elizaveta immediatly felt woozy as soon as those words escaped Gilbert's mouth, and her head felt light. Then she found herself in a different setting, outside of a building in a dark and dreary forest. "Wha?!" Surprised colored her face. Gilbert stood in front of her. "Why did you bring me here?" She growled through clenched teeth and moved in an attacking position. Gilbert looked down and his hair was long enough to block Elizaveta's view of his blush.

"I.. I'm sorry for doing this. I don't really know what I'm doing anymore." Elizaveta's expression softened, then went back to her feisty mode. "Then why are you doing this?" "B-because... I'm not really sure, but... I think my power's going crazy..." Gilbert whispered, barely audible. Elizaveta's stance stayed the same, tense, before relaxing. She sighed and put her arms at her sides and stood up straight. "Doesn't that mean your not safe to be around?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm not.." Gilbert sighed. "Nevermind. Forget it. It was a bad idea anyways." "Telling me about your powers?" "No." "Then what?" "Nothing. It's nothing. Bye."

"No, wai-" Elizaveta started to walk towards Gilbert before she felt dizzy again and felt her surroundings change. She was back in the cell with the others. "-T..." Her hand faltered and dropped to her side. "What did he want with you?" Arthur asked, slightly less angry, but still angry. "... I don't know."

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